Mandatory GHG Reporting - Electric Power Entities
- Electric Power Entity Reporting Requirements Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): This FAQ document addresses questions related to EPE reporting requirements, including specified source electrical imports, meter data requirements, renewable electricity and Renewable Energy Credits, EIM Purchaser and retail sales, and reporting electricity sales into California Independent System Operator (CAISO) markets. (Updated 4/11/2024)
- Reporting and Verification Guidance for RPS Adjustment Claims: This guidance document addresses questions related to EPE reporting requirements on the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Adjustment. (Updated 3/15/2019)
EPE Emissions Data Reporting
Submission by June 3; Verification by August 12 (dates moved in 2024 due to weekends)
By midnight Pacific Time on June 1 of each year, EPEs, including asset-controlling suppliers (ACS) and multi-jurisdictional retail providers (MJRP), must submit an emissions data report pursuant to section 95103(e) of the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (MRR) via the Cal e‑GGRT reporting system. The June 1 emissions data report includes reportable transaction and emissions for the previous calendar year. Please contact CARB if you believe you might be subject to reporting, and/or need to setup an account for reporting.
EPEs report data using Excel-based forms that provide for all the reporting requirements in accordance with the current MRR. CARB updates the reporting workbooks every year and only the most up-to-date version of the workbooks will be accepted by Cal e-GGRT for upload and reporting.
All EPE importers & exporters are also required to have their submitted emissions data reports verified annually by August 10 pursuant to section 95103(f). A list of Verification Bodies accredited under the MRR program can be found on the Mandatory GHG Reporting - Verification webpage. For EPE verification, at least one verifier on the verification team must hold a transactions accreditation. The number of active accredited verifiers for each verification body is provided in the first column from the right in the table on the webpage.
Specified Source Registration
Registration by February 1
By February 1 of each year, EPEs must register their anticipated specified sources of power that they intend to claim in their June 1 Emissions Data Reports pursuant to §95111(g)(1) of the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (MRR). The June 1 Emissions Data Reports cover emissions for the previous calendar year. All specified sources associated with imported power, exported power, or power used to claim an RPS adjustment, including any zero emission resources, must be registered by February 1, as well as new and existing anticipated specified sources for asset-controlling suppliers (ACS).
CARB will use this information to calculate an emission factor for each specified source. The emission factors will be published on the CARB website and made available to reporting entities in the respective reporting workbooks.
The link below provides the Specified Source Registration Workbook (SSR). Completed SSRs must be emailed to ghgreport@arb.ca.gov with the subject line: “Specified Source Registration RY[data year] – [company name and/or acronym]” by the February 1 deadline.
- Specified Source Registration Workbook (Posted December 20, 2023)
Asset Controlling Supplier
Information related to CARB's Asset Controlling Supplier (ACS) program is posted on the ACS webpage.
Registration by May 1
Pursuant to §95111(f) of MRR, electric power entities (EPE) may register with CARB as an Asset Controlling Supplier (ACS). For entities applying to be an ACS, please submit your application to CARB by May 1 of the year preceding the data year for which the entity intends to be an ACS. Submission by this date, using the Asset Controlling Supplier application forms is needed to ensure sufficient time to process and review the application for the upcoming reporting year. ACS applicants will also be required to create a new ACS account in Cal e-GGRT, and submit and have verified a FOUR workbook by the June 1 and August 10 deadlines respectively.
If you have Electric Power Entity questions please email ghgreport@arb.ca.gov.