RSC New Member Selection Process
CARB is seeking nominations & applications from the public to fill four positions on CARB’s Research Screening Committee (RSC). CARB is now accepting nominations and applications for the RSC with expertise in the following area(s):
- Agriculture
- Community-based research
- Transportation services and vehicle technology
- Urban planning
The public may submit nominations for multiple candidates (further instructions are found on the nomination form). All nominations must be submitted by February 12, 2024 to be considered. All nominations that are submitted by the due date will be reviewed by CARB staff. Every nominee will be contacted and provided with information on how to submit their application. Please note, the nominator’s submission will be kept confidential.
Nomination requirements
- Provide contact information of the nominator and nominee/s.
- Describe in what capacity you know the nominee/s.
- Provide a one-paragraph statement describing why your nominee/s is a good fit for the RSC.
The application period will be open to nominees and anyone else interested in applying, regardless of nomination status, until March 4, 2024.All requirements must be submitted via e-mail to with the subject title “RSC Application” by March 4, 2024 to be considered. All of the applications that are submitted by the due date will be reviewed by CARB staff. The most qualified candidates will be contacted by April 12, 2024 to schedule an interview.
To apply for any of the expertise areas listed, please complete, and attach the information requested below.
Application requirements
- Contact information.
- Resume or CV - This document should provide the review panel with a detailed account of your personal, professional, and educational history to decide whether you’re a good fit for the RSC appointment you’re applying for. The document should include your contact information, relevant skills, awards and honors, grants and scholarships, publications and presentations, licenses and certifications, fieldwork, community service, and any other qualifications relevant to the work you are proposing to do, including your lived experience.
- Statement of interest responding to the following questions (2-page limit):
- Why are you interested in becoming a member of the RSC? What could you contribute to this body?
- What are your qualifications, including your field/s or expertise and lived experience that make you uniquely qualified to be a member of the RSC?
- If you want to be considered for multiple expertise areas, rank your choices (you will find the option on the form), and state your intent in the statement.
- Letters of support are optional but note that these will be considered in the evaluation criteria.
If you have questions about this process, please contact us at with the subject title “RSC Application.”