Research Planning
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Research Division
The Legislature created the Board’s research program in 1971 and identified it as an integral part of an effective air pollution control program. With the mandate as its foundation, the program encompasses all aspects of air pollution. CARB’s research program continues to play an important role in meeting the challenges of increasingly stringent federal air quality standards and long-term climate goals, and serves as the foundation for effective regulatory decisions.
More about this program
Submit pre-proposals for funding year 2024-2025 by August 12, 2024
Eligible researchers are encouraged to submit pre-proposals for funding year 2024-2025 projects by August 12, 2024. It is strongly suggested that letters of interest be sent to research@arb.ca.gov by July 15 in order for Research Program staff to evaluate interest in the individual projects. To learn more about the projects being funded this year and all pre-proposal requirements, please visit the solicitation landing page. In addition, register for a public meeting geared toward researchers interested in submitting a pre-proposal and being hosted on July 11, 2024 from 3:30pm to 5pm.
Approved at the March 25, 2021 Board hearing
Currently accepting input on future research needs
Over 50 years of sponsored research contracts