Notice of Updates to the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program Guidelines, Chapter 4: On-Road Heavy Duty Vehicles
The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) is pleased provide the updates to the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Carl Moyer Program) Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 4: On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles (Chapter 4). On November 19, 2021, the Board approved amendments to the Carl Moyer Program cost-effectiveness limits and funding caps for optional advanced technology and zero-emission replacement on-road projects for the on-road category. During the hearing, stakeholders indicated a desire for further administrative changes, outside the immediate scope of the Board hearing, to streamline administrative requirements and processes that would better ensure program participation and accountability in the program.
CARB staff has had numerous discussions with air districts and stakeholders, regarding these issues. As a result of these collaborative efforts, feedback received at the March 1st, 2022 public meeting, and under authority delegated to the Executive Officer by Resolution 21-24, CARB staff are providing updates to Chapter 4 of the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines for On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles.
Staff’s presentation, and any additional related documents, have been made available on CARB’s website.
Summary of Updates
- Updated Eligible Replacement and Repower Options
- Increased baseline model year eligibility to include engines that are 6 years or older to the current calendar year
- Increased Flexibility for Required Minimum Annual Usage in California
- Expanded minimum annual usage to two 12-month periods during the previous 30 months for historical annual mileage consideration of a vehicle to better account for gaps in service or operation
- Allowance of fuel conversion factor request to CARB by air districts where only fuel usage records are available
- Increased Flexibility on Air Districts Requirements
- Decreased the amount of necessary inspections, allowance of remote inspections using established remote protocol, and allowance of limited delays in destruction of baseline vehicles at the dismantler
- Increased Flexibility on Dealership and Dismantler Requirements
- Increased flexibility on delivery of baseline vehicle and provided clarity on dealership requirement to work with air districts, dealerships’ responsibility to ensure integrity, and dismantlers’ authority to reject
Staff’s updates to the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines are available on CARB's website.
Previous Public Meeting Notices and Materials
- Notice of Public Meeting to Consider Proposed Updates to the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program Guidelines, Chapter 4: On-Road Heavy Duty Vehicles
- Public Meeting to Consider Proposed Updates to the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program Guidelines, Chapter 4: On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles (03/01/2022)
- Carl Moyer On-Road Category Presentation (03/01/2022)
- Proposed Updates to Chapter 4: On-Road Heavy Duty Vehicles (Includes 11/19/2021 Board Approved Updates)
- Notice of Public Meeting to Consider Approval of the Proposed FY2021-22 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives Accompanied by Proposed Carl Moyer Program Changes (Updated 09/24/2021)
Clearing California Skies for Over 50 Years
CARB is the lead agency for California’s fight against climate change, and oversees all air pollution control efforts in the state to attain and maintain health-based air quality standards.