Clean Truck Check — Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) Regulation: Freight Contractor, Broker, and Applicable Freight Facility Requirements
This summary describes the requirements for freight contractors, brokers, and freight facilities when determining the compliance status of vehicles and fleets.
How are freight contractors, brokers, and freight facilities defined?
- A freight contractor is any person, excluding a broker, who enters into a contract with any party requiring the operation of a heavy-duty vehicle subject to Clean Truck Check.
- A broker is any person or entity that offers, as a service, the arrangement of transportation within California between vehicle owners, shippers, receivers, or other entities like freight contractors.
- Applicable freight facilities include seaports and intermodal railyards.
When do these requirements start and what must the vehicle owner do?
Freight contractor, applicable freight facilities, and brokers requirements are now in effect, and vehicle/fleet compliance certificates may be requested by any applicable parties. Heavy-duty vehicle owners must ensure that reported fleet, vehicle, and testing information is accurately reported in the Clean Truck Check - Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS) and that their annual compliance fees have been paid. Compliant VINs will be provided to seaport and intermodal railyard representatives.
What are the requirements for freight contractors, brokers, and freight facilities?
- Records requirements are listed at the end of this document and include Vehicle or Fleet certificate records.
- Freight contractors and brokers must accept either the vehicle's individual compliance certificate or the affirmation of fleetwide compliance certificate as evidence of compliance with Clean Truck Check.
Please note that Clean Truck Check compliance is based on the VIN of the vehicle in question as opposed to the entity name, license plate or location on the certificate, as this information that is associated with a vehicle may change over time. The vehicle is what must meet the reporting, annual compliance fee, and periodic testing requirements and is uniquely identified by the VIN.
- Freight contractors and brokers must accept either the vehicle's individual compliance certificate or the affirmation of fleetwide compliance certificate as evidence of compliance with Clean Truck Check.
- Freight contractors must only contract with compliant vehicles or fleets and comply with applicable record keeping requirements.
- Brokers shall only arrange transportation within California through motor carriers with compliant vehicles or fleets and comply with the record keeping requirements.
- Applicable freight facilities must either:
- Ensure that only compliant vehicles enter and operate on their property, by verifying each vehicle at the time of entry by requesting a valid compliance certificate or by confirming through data provided by CARB, or
- Maintain applicable records of all vehicles that enter the applicable freight facility property that are not compliant with Clean Truck Check.
- These requirements do not apply when vehicles entering their properties are delivering goods or providing services to the facility as the consumer of the goods or services.
- Please see regulatory language for freight facilities that qualify as an Alternative Compliance Verification Terminal.
How do I get more detailed information?
To get more information, please visit the Clean Truck Check page. To stay up to date, subscribe to get email updates.
Records Requirements
Freight Contractor
1.Records of either:
(A) A copy of the vehicle’s HD I/M (Clean Truck Check) compliance certificate obtained from CTC-VIS, valid at the time of dispatch; or
(B) An Affirmation of Fleet Wide Compliance obtained within 12 months of dispatch.
2. Records of transactions and agreements in CA, Documentation shall include all the following information:
(A) The shipper or receiver initiating the transaction requiring transport.
(B) The motor carrier or broker who hired or dispatched the vehicle.
(C) The vehicle dispatched, by unique identifier.
1. Verification of compliance, either in the form of:
(A) A copy of the vehicle’s HD I/M (Clean Truck Check) compliance certificate from CTC-VIS; or
(B) An Affirmation of Fleet Wide Compliance obtained within 12 months of dispatch.
2. Dispatching motor carrier information including business and contact information.
Applicable Freight Facility
Annual documentation attesting which requirement the facility intends to comply with and the date the attestation was made. Non-compliant vehicle records must include vehicle and owner information.