Community Air Protection Program
- Community Air Protection Program
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- Community Air Protection Program Resource Center
- AB 617 Consultation Group
- Annual Reporting and Progress Tracking
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- Community Recommendations
- Community Air Protection Blueprint
- Community Air Grants
- Environmental Justice Blog
- Community Air Protection Incentives
- Contacts
- Making a Difference in Communities
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Primary Contact
In response to Assembly Bill (AB) 617 (C. Garcia, Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017), CARB established the Community Air Protection Program (CAPP or Program). The Program’s focus is to reduce exposure in communities most impacted by air pollution. Communities around the State are working together to develop and implement new strategies to measure air pollution and reduce health impacts.
This first-of-its-kind statewide effort includes community air monitoring and community emissions reduction programs. In addition, the Legislature appropriated funding to support early actions to address localized air pollution through targeted incentive funding to deploy cleaner technologies in these communities, as well as grants to support community participation in the AB 617 process. AB 617 also includes new requirements for accelerated retrofit of pollution controls on industrial sources, increased penalty fees, and greater transparency and availability of air quality and emissions data, which will help advance air pollution control efforts throughout the State. This new effort provides an opportunity to continue to enhance our air quality planning efforts and better integrate community, regional, and State level programs to provide clean air for all Californians.
CARB, local air districts, community members, and other stakeholders are already learning from initial efforts and integrating lessons learned into our implementation. We welcome and encourage your participation in this effort
Summary of Milestones | |
July 2017 | AB 617 signed by Governor Edmund G Brown Jr. |
September 2018 | CARB Board approved the Community Air Protection Blueprint and selected the initial 10 communities for community air monitoring and/or community emissions reduction programs. |
January 2019 | Air Districts developed expedited schedules for implementing BARCT, which must be implemented by the end of 2023. |
July 2019 | Air districts deployed monitoring in 2018 communities selected for community air monitoring systems. |
September 2019 | Air districts adopted the 2018 community emissions reduction programs. |
December 2019 & annually thereafter | The Board considers additional communities for air monitoring and community emissions reduction programs. |
By October 2020 & annually thereafter | Air districts provide annual reports for communities selected for community emissions reduction programs. |
By January 2021 & annually thereafter | Within one year after the selection of additional communities, air districts adopt community emissions reduction programs. |
By September 2023 | CARB updates the Statewide Strategy, which is required to be updated once every five years. |