"Hot Spots" Risk Assessment
Assembly Bill (AB) 2588 (Connelly), the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act, requires facilities that are ranked as a high priority (see Prioritization) to submit a health risk assessment (HRA) to the air pollution control and air quality management districts (district). A risk assessment, as defined under the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Act, includes a comprehensive analysis of the dispersion of hazardous substances into the environment, the potential for human exposure, and a quantitative assessment of both individual and population-wide health risks associated with those levels of exposure. The risk assessments submitted by the facilities are reviewed by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and approved by the district. In addition, the district may require facilities in the intermediate and low priority categories to also submit a health risk assessment.
OEHHA HRA Guidelines
Senate Bill 1731, which amends the "Hot Spots" Program, requires OEHHA to adopt risk assessment guidelines for the program using a full public review process. You can obtain a copy from OEHHA.
Hotspots Analysis and Reporting Program
The Hotspots Analysis and Reporting Program (HARP) is a software suite that addresses the programmatic requirements of the AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program. HARP incorporates the information presented in the 2015 Air Toxics Hotspots Program Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments. HARP is divided into three programs: the Emissions Inventory Module (EIM), Air Dispersion Modeling and Risk Tool (ADMRT), and Risk Assessment Standalone Tool (RAST). HARP can be used by the air pollution control and air quality management districts (districts), facility operators and other organizations or individuals to promote statewide consistency, efficiency and cost-effective development of facility emission inventories and conducting health risk assessments. HARP can also be used for conducting health risk assessments used in other programs (e.g., facility permitting, CEQA reviews).
Risk Management Policy for Risk Assessment Using the Inhalation Pathway
This policy is presented in Appendix D of the document CARB/CAPCOA Risk Management Guidance for Stationary Sources of Air Toxics (July 23, 2015). CARB and CAPCOA established this policy through a public process with input from industry and environmental representatives. This policy uses the new risk assessment science included in the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) Guidance Manual (OEHHA Manual) while providing a reasonable estimate of potential cancer risk for use in risk assessments for risk management decisions. The individual Districts have the authority to decide how, or if, they will use this recommended policy in their programs.
Consolidated Table of OEHHA/CARB Approved Risk Assessment Health Values
The Consolidated Table of OEHHA / CARB Approved Risk Assessment Health Values is a quick look-up table of all cancer potency values and noncancer acute, 8-hour, and chronic Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) that are available for use in the AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program. The most current health values should be used for the development of a facility health risk assessment. For more information on the OEHHA Guidelines, see the OEHHA website. Users of this table are advised to monitor the OEHHA website for any updates to the health values.
Review of Updated and Screening HRAs
In 1997, the staff of CARB, the OEHHA, and the districts collaborated to develop a streamlined process for the submittal and review of updated, and screening, health risk assessments (HRAs). That joint effort resulted in the development of a set of forms (see HRA forms Word | PDF) intended to accompany the submittal of updated, or screening, HRAs to the appropriate district and to OEHHA. There is also a list of the minimum data fields required when submitting an updated, or screening, HRA for those individuals that chose to not use the forms developed.
Industrywide Risk Assessments
CAPCOA, in cooperation with OEHHA and CARB, are developing three industrywide risk assessment procedures. The purpose of these industry specific assessments is to assist both the districts and facilities with the emission inventory and risk assessment requirements of the "Hot Spots" program (see Overview of "Hot Spots" Program).
Facilities which meet a specific set of requirements outlined in the law are candidates for an industrywide assessment. The requirements are focused on small businesses that are from the same industrial class, where individual compliance would impose severe economic hardships, and where emissions are easily and generically characterized.
Please refer to the Industrywide Risk Assessment List below to download a copy of a particular risk assessment or to get in contact with CARB or district staff person responsible for that guideline.
Industrywide Risk Assessment Guidelines
Industry | Status | CARB Contacts | District Contacts |
Auto Bodyshops | Updated Document in Progress | Bill Widger | Sacramento Metro AQMD - Brian Krebs |
Non-Vehicular Diesel Engines | In Progress | Bill Widger | |
Completed |