Advanced Clean Cars Program
Primary Contact
Advanced Clean Cars combines several regulations into one package including the Low-Emission Vehicle (LEV) criteria and greenhouse gas regulations and the zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) regulation. Advanced Clean Cars I was adopted in 2012 and Advanced Clean Cars II was adopted in 2022. These regulations rapidly scale down emissions of light-duty passenger cars, pickup trucks and SUVs and require an increased number of zero-emission vehicles to meet air quality and climate change emissions goals. In October 2023, staff launched a new effort to consider potential amendments to the Advanced Clean Cars II regulations, including updates to the tailpipe greenhouse gas emission standard and limited revisions to the Low-emission Vehicle and Zero-emission Vehicle regulations.
Latest Update - Amendments to Advanced Clean Cars II
In October 2023, staff launched a new effort to consider potential amendments to the Advanced Clean Cars II regulations, including updates to the tailpipe greenhouse gas emission standard and limited revisions to the Low-emission Vehicle and Zero-emission Vehicle regulations. See our Advanced Clean Cars II Amendments Fact Sheet to learn more about the amendments and how you can provide input. View the Advanced Clean Cars II Meetings & Workshop page for upcoming meetings and workshops.
2022 Advanced Clean Cars II
The Advanced Clean Cars II regulations were adopted in 2022, imposing the next level of low-emission and zero-emission vehicle standards for model years 2026-2035 that contribute to meeting federal ambient air quality ozone standards and California’s carbon neutrality targets.
By 2035 all new passenger cars, trucks and SUVs sold in California will be zero emissions. The Advanced Clean Cars II regulations take the state’s already growing zero-emission vehicle market and robust motor vehicle emission control rules and augments them to meet more aggressive tailpipe emissions standards and ramp up to 100% zero-emission vehicles. View the Official Rulemaking Documents and read our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about Advanced Clean Cars II and zero-emission vehicles.
2017 Midterm Review
When the Air Resources Board adopted Advanced Clean Cars in 2012, they committed to conducting a comprehensive midterm review of three elements of the program: 1) the ZEV regulation, 2) the 1 milligram per mile particulate matter standard, and 3) the light-duty vehicle GHG standards for 2022 and later model years. Staff’s review was conducted at the same time as the U.S. EPA and NHTSA midterm evaluation of the light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas standards for 2022 through 2025 model years at the national level. The Air Resources Board concluded the following at its March 2017 hearing:
- Adopted greenhouse gas standards remain appropriate for 2022 through 2025 model years
- Continue with existing zero-emission vehicle requirements to develop the market
- Direct staff to immediately begin rule development for 2026 and subsequent model years
- Continue and expand complementary policies to help support an expanding zero-emission vehicle market
- The particulate matter standard is feasible but further action is needed to ensure robust control
2012 Advanced Clean Cars I
Advanced Clean Cars I was first adopted by CARB in 2012, including LEV III Criteria, LEV III GHG, and ZEV regulation amendments to address model years 2015-2025. The LEV III GHG component was developed in coordination with the United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for One National Program to harmonize GHG and fuel economy standards.