Board Meetings
The Public Meeting Agenda lists agenda items in the tentative order they will be heard. Every effort will be made to adhere to that order. Occasionally, it may be necessary for the Board Chair to rearrange the sequence of agenda items in order to provide a forum for maximum public participation. Please keep in mind that definite timelines are difficult, and in some cases impossible to predict in advance. Your understanding is appreciated.
The Board welcomes testimony from the public on agenda items being presented to the Board. If you would like to testify before the Board, please sign up with the Board Clerk at the Board Hearing by completing a Request-to-Speak card, which is located outside the Board room. The Request-to-Speak card must be delivered to the Board Clerk or a Board Assistant prior to the commencement of the item. You will then be called forward by the Chair at the appropriate time during the public hearing. Some agenda items may generate considerable public interest and a large number of people wishing to present testimony; therefore, in the interest of time, the Chair requests that potential testifiers limit their presentations to the Board to two minutes. Upon occasion if a large number of people sign up to testify, the two minute period may be reduced. This will ensure that the Board will be able to hear all viewpoints in a timely manner.
Open Public Comment
There will be an Open Comment Period at each Board Hearing to allow an opportunity for interested members of the public to address the Board on items of interest that do not specifically appear on the agenda. Although no formal Board action can be taken due to Open Meeting statutes, the Board will hear testimony on subject matters within the jurisdiction of the Board. Each person will be allotted two minutes to ensure that everyone has a chance to speak.