Carl Moyer Program: Emergency Vehicles
The Carl Moyer Program provides funding for fire apparatus as described in the California Vehicle Code 165 including, but not limited to, pumpers, ladder trucks, and water tenders. The terms "fire apparatus" and "fire trucks" are used interchangeably to refer to fire-related emergency vehicles collectively. Both medium heavy-duty and heavy heavy-duty diesel fire apparatus are eligible for program funding. Eligible projects are those in which a new or used replacement vehicle with an engine certified to the 2010 emissions or cleaner California emission standard, replaces an older, more polluting equipment or vehicle.
Emergency vehicles are not subject to in-use emissions regulations. Emergency vehicles are not limited by maximum funding percentages based on fleet size and may have a maximum project life of 14 years. Emergency vehicles over 14,000 lbs have 80% of cost of vehicle state funding caps for conventional diesel or alternative fuel or hybrid replacements (2013+ engine model year; 0.20 gallons per brake horsepower hour NOx or cleaner standard).
A fire truck reuse option is also available on a case-by-case basis. The fire truck reuse option allows fire departments to give away the existing old vehicle and destroy another older vehicle in its place. Project types mainly include replacements. Emergency vehicles are not limited by maximum funding percentages based on fleet size and may have a maximum project life of 14 years. Emergency vehicles over 14,000 lbs have 80% of cost of vehicle state funding caps for conventional diesel or alternative fuel or hybrid replacements (2013+ engine model year; 0.20 g/bhp-hr NOx or cleaner standard).