Carl Moyer Program: School Bus
The Carl Moyer Program provides grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines and equipment including school buses. School buses are eligible for Moyer Program funding if they meet the general program criteria. Public school districts in California that own their own school buses are eligible for funding.
School buses as defined in Vehicle Code section 545 are subject to the Statewide Truck and Bus Regulation. Carl Moyer Program eligible project types include replacements, repowers, and conversions. Replacement engines certified to the 2010 emission standards or cleaner are also eligible.
Note that, although school buses are normally exempt from the reporting requirements of the Statewide Truck and Bus Regulation, school districts must report their diesel school buses in the Truck Regulation Upload, Compliance, and Reporting System (TRUCRS) to demonstrate fleet-wide compliance with the Regulation’s performance requirements. All diesel school buses within a fleet must be reported in TRUCRS as having a diesel particulate filter (either through a retrofit or originally installed by the equipment manufacturer) or they must be reported as low-use and operate less than 1,000 miles per year. Note that only diesel school buses are subject to the Regulation, so school buses powered by other fuels do not need to be reported but may be subject to record keeping requirements. School districts interested in reporting their fleets may visit the TRUCRS reporting webpage, and fleets requiring assistance may email TRUCRS staff at trucrs@arb.ca.gov or contact the Diesel Hotline at 1-866-6DIESEL (1-866-634-3735).
Additional potential funding options can be found at Funding Clean School Buses.