Clean Cars 4 All
Primary Contact
Current Incentives
These amounts represent current incentives provided by Clean Cars 4 All (CC4A) as per the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funding Plan Please contact local air districts for the effective date of these increased incentive amounts.
Income Eligibility | 8 Years Old or Newer Hybrid Electric Vehicle 35+ miles per gallon (Combined)a,b | 8 Years Old or Newer Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle a | 8 Years Old or Newer Zero-Emission Vehicle a,c | Mobility Option | Zero-Emission Motorcycle |
Less than or equal to 300% Federal Poverty Level | $7,000 | $9,500 (Plus, up to $2,000 for charging equipment or pre-loaded charge card) | $10,000 (Plus, up to $2,000 for charging equipment or pre-loaded charge card) | $7,500 Face Value | $4,500 |
Less than or equal to 300% Federal Poverty Level in Disadvantaged Communities | $7,000 | $11,500 (Plus, up to $2,000 for charging equipment or pre-loaded charge card) | $12,000 (Plus, up to $2,000 for charging equipment or pre-loaded charge card) | $7,500 Face Value | $6,500 |
a Participants purchasing a vehicle may be eligible for up to $5,000 toward the cost of vehicle adaptive equipment.
b Eight years old or newer. The model year of an 8-year vehicle is calculated by subtracting 7 from the current calendar year of the transaction (e.g., eligible replacement vehicles in calendar 2024 include model years 2017 and newer).
c Zero-emission vehicles include battery electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles.
Who is Eligible
To qualify for the program, interested participants must be able to provide a vehicle to scrap and be income qualified. CC4A is currently administered by five air districts and eligible participants who reside in these districts can apply through their respective district run CC4A program. You may visit the implementing air districts website to view if your air district is currently implementing the CC4A program. Air Districts can be looked up using your zip code with this tool.
Eligible participants that live outside of participating air districts may apply through the statewide Driving Clean Assistance Program (DCAP). The statewide program was created to focus benefits to communities most in need including tribal, rural, and low-income communities where access to reliable transportation would be a benefit.
CC4A incentives are not retroactive. All interested applicants should visit their respective administering air district’s website to view the eligibility requirements.
How it’s Administered
Clean Cars 4 All is currently administered in the five largest air districts in California: South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD), San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (APCD), Bar Area AQMD, Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD, and San Diego APCD.
In addition to district administered programs, the Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDC) was selected to administer DCAP to reach rural, tribal, and underserved communities and populations across the state that have not been previously reached by district programs. . All eligible Californian’s will be served by the expanded district programs or by DCAP.
Where and When it’s Offered
Eligible participants that currently live in a participating air districts can apply through the district run CC4A programs. Eligible participants that live outside of participating air districts may apply through the statewide Driving Clean Assistance Program (DCAP). Air Districts can be looked up using your zip code with this tool.
Participation Requirements
CARB sets baseline guidelines for participation that program administrators must follow. Additional requirements may exist depending on the administrator. The following guidelines apply to all participants:
- An individual must be the registered owner of their vehicle, the vehicle title must be issued in their name, and they must demonstrate that they are a California resident.
- A vehicle owner or joint vehicle owner may not have received more than one Clean Cars 4 All incentive.
- An individual must have a household income of less than or equal to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. Federal Poverty Level is defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human services.
- An individual must (retire) a functional vehicle. Retired vehicles may be registered or unregistered. Additional information regarding scrap vehicle and other eligibility criteria can be found in the regulation language.
- The new replacement vehicle must be 8 years old or newer and can include a new or used hybrid electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), zero-emission vehicle (ZEV), or zero-emission motorcycle (ZEM). Zero-emission vehicles include battery electric and fuel cell electric vehicles.
- CARB sets baseline guidelines for basic eligibility requirements such as income and vehicles, participating Districts’ have the discretion to enact more stringent requirements. Additional information for District participation requirements can be found on the respective CC4A Implementing Air District webpages.
Announcements and Upcoming Activities
CARB finalized a grant agreement with the Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDC) as the statewide administrator of the Driving Clean Assistance Program (DCAP). DCAP will expand access to CC4A to areas of the state that are not currently served by district programs. This expansion will allow all eligible low-income consumers to receive incentives towards the purchase of new or used clean vehicles, with or without the need to replace an older vehicle. DCAP will also provide access to low-interest rate loans, vouchers towards mobility options such as transit, and incentives to offset the cost of charging electric vehicles. In addition to this expansion effort, CARB will be implementing a needs-based model in the statewide program to better provide equitable access to priority populations and to underserved communities.