Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
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With the adoption of the Advanced Clean Cars II regulations, all new cars sold in 2035 must be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) which includes battery-electric, plug-in hybrid electric and fuel-cell electric vehicles. Battery-electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles need to be plugged in to recharge and fuel cell electric vehicles are refueled at hydrogen fueling stations.
To ensure the successful deployment of battery-electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is working to make electric vehicle (EV) Charging Easy for All. This means that when a driver needs to use a public EV charger, all locations can be found through mapping tools, all the costs associated with charging and parking are posted, a membership to use the station is not required, and drivers can easily pay with what is in their wallet.
These requirements for EV charging stations are part of the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE or EV Charging Station) Standards Regulation developed to implement the “Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Open Access Act” (Senate Bill 454; Statutes of 2013). This regulation establishes requirements for EV charging stations that build driver confidence in public EV charging.
CARB staff is continuing to monitor and evaluate the development of the EV charging industry, including costs and user experiences to help determine future programmatic needs. This is being done in part through a partnership with the California Integrated Travel Project (Cal-ITP).