Exceptional Events Tools and Resources
Numerous tools and resources are available to assist in the analysis of exceptional events. A few of these are listed below.
AirNow Tech - password protected site for air quality data management analysis
- Air data
- Backward and forward air parcel trajectories
- Wind and pollutant roses
Exceptional Events Analysis and Visualization Tools
- Identification of impacted days
- Potential regulatory significance assessment
- PM2.5 wildfire event tiering category tool
Training Module - PLAN106-SI Exceptional Events Demonstrations
U.S. Forest Service
Air Fire's Wildland Fire / Air Quality Tools
- Real-time data from the Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory. Some of these links are password protected but this is a good landing page with useful tools.
Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) - joint program with NASA to provide satellite imagery and data products specifically tailored for fire information
Request Archived Information (Smoke Outlooks, Air Resource Advisor analyses, etc.) from the Interagency Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program
Earth Observation Data - open access data portal
- Air quality data, including AOD, aerosol index, dust score, and PM2.5
- Wildfire data, specifically the Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)
EOSDIS Worldview - global daily satellite imagery
- True color reflectance
- Aerosol index, optical depth, types
- Fires and thermal anomalies
- Carbon monoxide
Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) - joint program with U.S. Forest Service to provide satellite imagery and data products specifically tailored for fire information
- US/Canada Fire Map
- archived satellite imagery (including hourly GOES data) accessible using the Layers and Timeline links on the bottom
Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team - information on satellite platforms and how to use available data
- Tools and Resources tab has a Getting Started link to help winnow down satellite data needs
- Python tutorials are linked (Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, University of Wisconsin, Madison) for novice users to help with satellite data analysis
WESTAR - Western States Air Resources Council / WRAP - Western Regional Air Partnership
2024 National Exceptional Events Workshop - February 2024, St Louis, Missouri - presentations and recordings presented are available for review.
Other States
- Real-time interactive support of current wildland fire activity and smoke impacts