Regional Plan Targets
Upcoming Virtual Public Workshop: 2026 SB 375 Regional Target Update and Updates to CARB’s Sustainable Communities Strategy Evaluation Process
Pursuant to SB 375, CARB last updated the GHG emission reduction targets in 2018 and is required to update them again no later than 2026. CARB staff is holding an initial public workshop on July 23, 2024, to provide information to the public about the target update process and timeline as well as to receive input from the public about what factors to consider as it develops target recommendations for the CARB Board.
In this workshop, CARB staff will also discuss and receive input from the public on proposed medium-term changes to the CARB SCS evaluation guidelines. See the SCS Evaluation Resources webpage for further information on the evaluation guidelines update.
The link to register for the workshop will be on this webpage by 5 p.m. on July 10, 2024.
SB 375 Regional Plan Climate Targets
Senate Bill 375 requires CARB to develop and set regional targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions from passenger vehicles. CARB has set regional targets, indexed to years 2020 and 2035, to help achieve significant additional GHG emission reductions from changed land use patterns and improved transportation in support of the State's climate goals, as well as in support of statewide public health and air quality objectives. Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) must prepare a sustainable communities strategy (SCS) that will reduce GHG emissions to achieve these regional targets, if feasible to do so.
MPO SCS development and adoption is a cyclical process where a MPO prepares a SCS every four to five years. As such, CARB's regional targets are set and applied to a MPO's SCS based on the date of adoption by the MPO. CARB is tasked to update the regional targets every eight years, with the option of revising them every four years.
MPO | Targets Through September 30,2018 | Targets Beginning October 1, 2018 | ||
2020 | 2035 | 2020 | 2035 | |
MTC/ABAG | -7% | -15% | -10% | -19% |
SACOG | -7% | -16% | -7% | -19% |
SANDAG | -7% | -13% | -15% | -19% |
SCAG | -8% | -13% | -8% | -19% |
Fresno COG | -5% | -10% | -6% | -13% |
Kern COG | -9% | -15% | ||
Kings CAG | -5% | -13% | ||
Madera CTC | -10% | -16% | ||
Merced CAG | -10% | -14% | ||
San Joaquin COG | -12% | -16% | ||
Stanislaus COG | -12% | -16% | ||
Tulare CAG | -13% | -16% | ||
AMBAG | 0% | -5% | -3% | -6% |
Butte CAG | 1% | 1% | -6% | -7% |
San Luis Obispo COG | -8% | -8% | -3% | -11% |
Santa Barbara CAG | 0% | 0% | -13% | -17% |
Shasta RTA | 0% | 0% | -4% | -4% |
Tahoe MPO | -7% | -5% | -8% | -5% |
a Targets are expressed as a percent change in per capita passenger vehicle greenhouse gas emissions relative to 2005.
b If SACOG is not able to secure the funding and commitments to implement their proposed pilot project, CARB staff would evaluate the SCS performance against an 18 percent target. See Appendix A. MPO Recommendations and CARB Staff Recommendations, pages A-7 through A-9 for further discussion.
c Recommended targets apply to the San Joaquin Valley MPOs third cycle SCS plans.
2018 Regional Targets Update
CARB first set regional targets on September 23, 2010 and updated targets on March 22, 2018. Information and materials related to the 2018 regional targets update is provided below. Information and materials related to the 2010 target setting process is available upon request by emailing sustainablecommunities@arb.ca.gov.
- CARB Resolution (see Attachment D here) and Notice of Decision filed approving the updated targets (Mar. 2018)
- Updated Targets (Mar. 2018)
- Updated Final Staff Report: Proposed Update to the SB 375 GHG Emissions Reduction Targets
- Appendix A: MPO Target Recommendations and CARB Staff Recommendations
- Appendix B: MPO Scenario and Data Submittals
- Appendix C: Rebound Analysis
- Appendix D: MPO RTP Update Schedule
- Appendix E: SB 375 Program Background
- Appendix F: Final Environmental Analysis
- Responses to Comments on the Draft Environmental Analysis