San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
Metropolitan Planning Organization for San Diego County
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), located in Southern California along the California-Baja California Border, is the federally-designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for San Diego County, 18-city metropolitan region and the transportation planning agency responsible for developing and implementing the long-range regional transportation plan, known as the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS).
The 2021 RTP/SCS, also known as San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan, continues to emphasize the key strategies in the first SCS that support a more sustainable future for the San Diego region and also altered the phasing of key transit and managed lane investments to better match forecasted growth patterns.
2021 RTP/SCS
- 2021 SCS CARB Executive Order accepting the SANDAG’s determination that the Final SCS would meet the region's GHG emissions reduction targets (Aug. 2022)
- CARB staff's technical evaluation of the SANDAG’s Final Sustainable Communities Strategy (Aug. 2022)
- CARB and SANDAG correspondence on the 2021 Regional Plan evaluation (Aug. 2022)
- 2021 Regional Plan, adopted Dec. 2021
2015 RTP/SCS
- CARB staff's technical evaluation of the San Diego Association of Governments' (SANDAG) Final Sustainable Communities Strategy (Dec. 2015)
- CARB Executive Order accepting SANDAG's determination that the Final SCS would meet the region's GHG emissions reduction targets (Dec. 2015)
- San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan, adopted on October 9, 2015
Past evaluations are available on request, contact sustainablecommunities@arb.ca.gov.