TEST CAPP Consistently Nominated Communities
The Consistently Nominated AB 617 Communities list is built from air district and community-based organization (CBO) recommendations and community self-nominations since 2018, the first year of the Program. In July 2022, for the fifth year of the Program, CARB staff provided the air districts with a copy of the list for confirmation or adjustments. The Consistently Nominated AB 617 Communities list updates the priority communities for each air district and identifies support from community members or CBOs. The list is based on recommendations submitted to CARB; please note the air districts may also have received recommendations directly that are not captured in this list.
For more information, please visit our Community Air Protection Program Recommendation Process webpage.
Please submit any questions regarding the community selection process to communityair@arb.ca.gov (airecomunitario@arb.ca.gov for questions in Spanish).
View the Community Air Protection Program Consistently Nominated Communities map.