Truck & Bus Regulation
This is the TruckStop Truck & Bus Regulation page, view the Official Truck & Bus Regulation homepage.
Report your vehicle in the TRUCRS: Truck & Bus Reporting System.
Regulation Basics & Exemptions
Diesel trucks and buses with a gross vehicle weight rating(GVWR) that are greater than 14,000 pounds (lbs), must reduce exhaust emissions by meeting particulate matter (PM) filter requirements and upgrading to a 2010 or newer engine model year (EMY).
Manufacturer Delay Extension
If a vehicle owner has a vehicle that must be replaced or upgraded to meet Truck and Bus regulatory requirements, and the vehicle owner has purchased the necessary replacement or upgrade, the manufacturer delay extension specified in section 2025(p)(8) of the regulation allows the vehicle owner to continue to use the existing vehicle if the replacement or upgrade is unavailable due to a manufacturer delay.
Cummins Recall
On August 1, 2018, Cummins initiated a recall of the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) unit catalysts in their 2010 to 2015 model year medium and heavy-duty engines. This recall affects over 500,000 heavy-duty vehicles nationwide.
Regulation Requirements
The Regulation compliance schedule is based on the year of the current engine(s). Older vehicles will need to be replaced or repowered with a 2010 or newer engine following the compliance schedule, unless it is exempt from the Regulation. There are also filter requirements for larger vehicles.
School Buses
School bus vehicles powered by diesel fuel with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of greater than 14,000 pounds that provide transportation of any school pupil at or below the 12th-grade level or to or from a public or private school, or to or from public or private school activities are subject to the Truck and Bus Regulation.
Flexibility Options
Currently, there are limited options available. These options require reporting in CARB's TRUCRS reporting system. If a vehicle does not qualify for these options, it must follow the engine model year compliance schedule.
Lawson Lawsuit
In 2014, to void the flexibility options provided in the 2014 amendments to the Regulation, John R. Lawson Rock and Oil of Fresno (Lawson) and the California Trucking Association (CTA) sued CARB in Fresno County Superior court.
DMV Compliance Verification
Beginning January 1, 2020, the Regulation will be enforced through a new automatic process. Legislation passed in 2017, requires that the California Department of Motor Vehicles(DMV) check that vehicles are compliant with, or exempt from, the Regulation. If a vehicle is not compliant with the rule, DMV can no longer register that vehicle.
Filter Information
DPF/soot filters (diesel particulate filter, VDECS, PM filter, exhaust retrofit)
- Filter installation, maintenance and purchase information
- List of currently verified equipment
- Guide to care and maintenance of diesel particulate filters
- Cleaire advanced emission controls purchased by ESW Technologies Incorporated
Check Fleet Compliance Status
Important Deadlines
January 1, 2023
- DMV automatic compliance verification continues. If a vehicle is not compliant with the Regulation, DMV can no longer register that vehicle.
- Heavier vehicles (Greater than 26,000 lbs GVWR) with EMY 2009 or older need to be replaced or repowered to a 2010 or newer EMY.
Check Engine Compliance
Find out if or when your vehicle is subject to DMV registration denials or holds.
Regulation Timeline
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
*This timeline applies to diesel buses and trucks unless you are using a compliance option and reporting in TRUCRS. Other requirements exist. This timeline follows a schedule for Engine Model Year (EMY). The Vehicle Model Year typically runs one year ahead of EMY. Medium heavy-duty is 14,001 - 26,000 lbs. GVWR. Heavy heavy-duty is greater than 26,000 lbs. GVWR.