ABT Report Template
- Criteria Pollutant Credits for Zero Emission Vehicles and Powertrains
For the reporting of MY2023 CA NOX-PM-NMHC ABT, please utilize the provided draft template: Published June 2024
Zero-emission powertrain families with models utilized in class 4 through 8 vehicles are eligible to generate NOx and PM or NOx and NMHC credits within the heavy-duty zero-emission averaging set under the CA ABT program. The end-of-year reports must be submitted within 180 days following the end of the model year (2022 MY report due date was extended to August 31, 2023). Please adhere to ABT reporting guidelines outlined in the "California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for 2004 and Subsequent Model Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines and Vehicles" and "California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for 2004 and Subsequent Model Heavy-Duty Otto-Cycle Engines and Vehicles." These test procedures can be accessed through the following links:
- https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/sites/default/files/barcu/regact/2020/hdomnibuslownox/frob-1.pdf
- https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/sites/default/files/barcu/board/rulemaking/hdomnibuslownox/frob-2.pdf
2. CO2 Credits for Vehicles Certified to 17 CCR 95663
For the 2022 MY reporting template, please use the template found at:
CARB MY2022 ABT Reporting Template (FED & CA)
For the 2021 ABT report template, please use the template found at:
CARB Phase 2 MY2021 ABT Reporting Template (FED & CA)
Please report both Federal and California ABT reports as per the "CALIFORNIA GREENHOUSE GAS EXHAUST EMISSION STANDARDS AND TEST PROCEDURES FOR 2014 AND SUBSEQUENT MODEL HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES". These requirements are outlined in the current CARB adopted version of 40 CFR 1037.730 found here:
Method to Report
Please submit two following files for ABT report:
- Federal and CA ABT report in one file using above template.
- A separate signed attestation letter along with this report and state that the report's contents are accurate.
Where to submit
After logging-in into your eFILE account, drop the files in HDV/ZEP > 2021 > Reports and submit the workflow.