Air Toxics Listening Sessions
CARB is committed to involving the community in regulatory development. The Air Toxics Listening Sessions are a series of public meetings with the goal of providing community members access to CARB Transportation and Toxics (TTD) staff and opportunities to voice concerns and ideas on reducing air pollution.
Send us your suggestions for future air toxics listening sessions.
Topic | Meeting Info | Staff Presentation and Additional Resources |
Health Risk Assessment Capacity Building Session: Part Three Discuss Potential Methodology Changes | In response to attendees’ comments and questions during parts one and two of the Health Risk Assessment Capacity Building Sessions, the California Air Resources Board (CARB), Transportation and Toxics Division (TTD), is holding a third session in this series. Date: May 10, 2022 Spanish Conference Call Info: The post meeting survey will remain open until June 1, 2022. | |
Health Risk Assessment Capacity Building Session: Part Two | The California Air Resources Board (CARB), Transportation and Toxics Division (TTD), is planning two follow-up sessions to the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Capacity Building Session held December 14, 2021. The first of these will continue an introduction to HRAs. Date: March 29, 2022 Spanish Conference Call Info: The post meeting survey will remain open until April 15, 2022. | |
Health Risk Assessment Capacity Building Session | CARB is hosting a capacity building session to better equip attendees to understand the uses of Health Risk Assessments (HRA) and significance of information they provide in decision making at various levels of government. Date: December 14, 2021 Spanish Conference Call Info: The Post Meeting Survey includes the same questions as those asked during the live polling. The survey will remain open through January 14, 2022. You can send us your suggestions for future air toxics listening or capacity building sessions at anytime. | |
Truck Emissions Listening Session | California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff invite you to participate in the Transportation and Toxic Division’s next listening session, which will be focused on the requested topic, Trucks. The goals of this Truck Listening Session are to hear community concerns, experiences, and/or suggestions for how CARB’s truck-related efforts can benefit all Californians. Date: August 31, 2021 Spanish Conference Call Info: The post meeting survey closes September 24, 2021. You can send us your suggestions for future air toxics listening sessions at anytime. | |
Freight Days Listening Sessions | The Freight Day Listening Sessions are an opportunity to learn more about the Transportation and Toxics Division's freight regulations. The event is split into two evening sessions and is an opportunity to share your concerns, experiences and/or suggestions for CARB's freight regulations. Date: June 8, 2021 Date: June 10, 2021 Spanish Conference Call Info: *There are some technical issues with the Spanish recordings and we will update them as soon as possible with needed voiceovers. | Staff Presentation Announcement Meeting Notes Polling Results Recordings |
Air Toxics Regulatory Process and Community Input | The Air Toxics Regulatory Process and Community Input Listening Session is an opportunity to share with CARB staff your concerns, experiences, and/or suggestions on how to get involved in CARB’s regulatory process. Date: April 27, 2021 Spanish Conference Call Info:
| |
Railyard Emissions Listening Session | CARB has developed and implemented measures to understand and reduce locomotive and railyard emissions in California, including studies, regulations, enforceable agreements, and funding of clean technology. The Railyard Listening Session is an opportunity to share with CARB staff your concerns, experiences, and/or suggestions for how CARB’s railyard-related efforts can benefit all Californians. March 4, 2021 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (PST) | |
Air Toxics Program | CARB staff plans to go to the Board with the first in a series of air toxic rulemakings in December 2021. Staff are seeking input now to inform how CARB can better address community concerns and priorities in our air toxic rulemakings. Date: December 3, 2020 * This meeting will be recorded, in case you are unable to attend please check the recording later |