Announcement for CARB Accreditation and Verifier Accreditation Training for the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is accepting applications for accreditation of LCFS verification bodies and individual verifiers. Application forms and more information are available on the LCFS Verification website. CARB will process applications in the order received. After CARB screens individual verifier candidate applications for accreditation, approved individuals will be notified that they may enroll in required verifier accreditation training. The three training options for 2019 are shown below for planning purposes.
Applications are due to CARB by the following dates associated with in-person training offered in 2019. Verification bodies must email an Application for Verification Body Accreditation to CARB at and include employees’ Applications for Individual Verifier Accreditation in the package; including potential subcontractors in verification body packages is helpful for efficient screening by CARB. Verification bodies may choose to submit the templates required in section 95502(b)(1)(B) of the LCFS Regulation after verifier accreditation training, to finalize their accreditation package. Individuals planning to provide LCFS verification services and not affiliated with a verification body must submit individual accreditation applications to CARB at
Please indicate the preferred week of training for each individual verifier candidate in the email (first, second, third choice) and whether they do not intend to take the first day of training covering general verification (Monday) and the accreditation exam (Tuesday morning). Every effort will be made to accommodate enrollment in the first choice training option. Candidates for lead verifier applying under section 95502(c)(3)(A)-(E) are not required to attend Course 1 taught on Monday and are not required to take the general verification accreditation exam pursuant to section 95502(c)(3)(G), but must complete courses 2 through 6 described in the daily training schedule provided on the LCFS Verification website.
Applications are due to CARB for processing and approval before applicants can register for training during open enrollment. CARB will process applications in the order received. Open enrollment for all training begins September 30, 2019. Application deadlines and enrollment deadlines are as follows for each of the in-person training dates:
Option 1A: November 4-8, Sacramento (location TBA) Courses 1-6 with accreditation exam
Option 1B: November 5-8, Sacramento (location TBA) Courses 2-6 only
- Application Deadline: October 23 (updated)
- Enrollment Deadline: October 29 (updated)
Option 2A: November 18-22, Sacramento (location TBA) Courses 1-6 with accreditation exam
Option 2B: November 19-22, Sacramento (location TBA) Courses 2-6 only
- Application Deadline: October 28
- Enrollment Deadline: November 4
Option 3A: December 9-13, Los Angeles (location TBA) Courses 1-6 with accreditation exam
Option 3B: December 10-13, Los Angeles (location TBA) Courses 2-6 only
- Application Deadline: November 18
- Enrollment Deadline: November 25
Reasonable Accommodation
If you require a special accommodation during training or examinations, or need documents in an alternate format, please contact or call Johnnie Raymond at 916.445.8279 as soon as possible. Training and examination materials are only provided in English.
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