California Hydrogen Infrastructure Tool (CHIT)
In order to identify the areas of greatest need for fueling infrastructure development, CARB developed the California Hydrogen Infrastructure Tool (CHIT).
CHIT is a Geographical Information System-based tool developed in the ArcGIS environment to assess the spatial distribution of the gaps between the coverage and capacity provided by existing and funded stations and the potential first adopter market for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles. This page provides resources beyond the information available in CARB’s annual published evaluations for understanding and exploring the analysis completed by CARB through CHIT.
Full CHIT 2017 Release
CARB is making available a download package that contains the CHIT 2017 Release analysis tool for use within ArcGIS 10.2 or later versions. The package contains the ArcGIS CHIT 2017 toolbox, associated files required to run the tools, an instruction manual, input data used for the 2017 June analysis, sample output from the same analysis, and a copy of the June 2017 Annual Evaluation of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Deployment and Hydrogen Fuel Station Network Development.
With this download package and appropriate access to ArcGIS and certain extensions, users will be able to recreate the analyses performed by CARB in support of its June 2017 Annual Evaluation and be able to perform their own exploratory analyses using alternative input data sets, make changes to analysis settings, and/or modify the analysis algorithms.
The CHIT 2017 Release contains several updates that: 1) improve the user experience and simplify re-creation of CARB's analysis, 2) incorporate consideration of simulated traffic flow data, 3) incorporate auto manufacturer projections of vehicle placement, 4) incorporate registered FCEV data, 5) estimate local need for additional hydrogen fueling capacity, 6) re-tune and update input data, parameters, and calculation methods, and other improvements over the 2015 Release.
Please note the full download package is 3 GB in size and will require 5.3 GB of space when unpackaged on your computer system.
- 2017 Full CHIT Tool
- 2015 Release of CHIT (available by request)