Compwood: Publications
The publications below provide information related to CARB's airborne toxic control measure (ATCM) to reduce formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products. The ATCM focuses on three composite wood products: hardwood plywood (HWPW), particleboard (PB), and medium density fiberboard (MDF) and requires HWPW, PB, MDF and finished good such as flooring, cabinets, picture frames, to comply with CARB's stringent formaldehyde emission standards.
CARB's ATCM applies to manufacturers, distributors, importers, fabricators, retailers, and third-party certifiers of composite wood products and finished goods that contain composite wood products, that are sold, offered for sale, supplied, used, or manufactured for sale in California.
Title | Language | Date |
U.S. EPA and CARB Comparison Table | English idioma en Inglés | May 2019 |
FAQs for consumers in addition to manufacturers, fabricators, importers, distributors, retailers and third party certifiers:
English idioma en Inglés English idioma en Inglés | Ongoing |
Advisories | English idioma en Inglés | November 2016 |
Requirements for Fabricators | English idioma en Inglés Vietnamesengôn ngữ tiếng Việt | December 2023 |
Facts about Flooring | English idioma en Inglés | March 2015 |
Requirements for Retailers of Finished Goods | English idioma en Inglés | December 2023 |
Requirements for Manufacturers of HWPW, PB, and MDF | English idioma en Inglés | December 2023 |
What Retailers of Panels and Finished Goods Need to Know | English idioma en Inglés | January 2011 |
What Retailers of Finished Goods Need to Know | English idioma en Inglés Chinese 中文 | December 2023 |
Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products | English idioma en Inglés | December 2007 |
Determination of Formaldehyde and Toluene Diisocyanate Emissions from Indoor Residential Resources. A report submitted in fulfillment of CARB under contract number 93-315, by Battelle. | English idioma en Inglés | November 1996 |
Final Report on the Identification of Formaldehyde as a Toxic Air Contaminant | English idioma en Inglés | July 1992 |