Ethanol Archive
Evaluation of Ozone-Forming Potential of Elevated Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) Gasoline Containing 10 Volume Percent Ethanol
Board Meeting of December 10, 1998
- Resolution 98-78
- Public Meeting Notice for December 10, 1998 Board Item on the Staff's Proposed Determination, Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 43830(g), of the Ozone-Forming Potential of Elevated RVP Gasoline Containing 10 Percent Ethanol.
- Staff Report
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
Public Workshop on October 27, 1998
- Workshop Notice to Discuss the Staff's Draft Report on the Ozone-Forming Potential of High Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) Ethanol Gasoline Blends
- Draft Staff Report
- Draft Staff Report - Appendix A
- Draft Staff Report - Appendix B
Ethanol Test Program
Motor Vehicle Test Data
The test results from a motor vehicle emissions study conducted by the CARB are now available. The study evaluated the emissions from twelve 1990 to 1995 model year vehicles using two gasoline blends; one blended with 11 percent MTBE and the other blended with 10 volume percent ethanol. For more details on the vehicles and fuels tested, please view the PDF document.
The complete data set has been grouped by process to facilitate downloading of the files. The files are grouped for each test procedure conducted (FTP, REPO5, and EVAPORATIVE). The summary files have also been grouped (for all processes) as these are likely to be of most interest. Download summary files. For the complete data set, download the compressed files below:
Compressed files
- Data files for REP05 test procedure
- Data files for the evaporative test procedure (both diurnal and hot soak)
- Data files for the FTP test procedure
Other Documents
- Draft Summary Test Report
- Draft Appendices
- Not yet available. To request a copy, email Jose Gomez.
- Workgroup Meeting on October 22 1998 to Discuss the Final Draft of Our Analysis of Test Data from the Ethanol/MTBE Test Program