Governor's Letter Regarding Zero-Emission Fleet Rules
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has been directed by the Governor to assess possible regulatory requirements to ensure greater inclusion of zero emission vehicles in public and private light- and heavy-duty vehicle fleets. Transforming our transportation system to zero emissions is necessary to help California meet its unique climate and air quality challenges. This assessment will consider opportunities in a broad range of fleet categories such as rental, large employer, delivery and transportation service fleets. This also includes emerging new mobility technologies and services such as ride-hailing fleets. There are unique opportunities in fleets to accelerate the market, including large-scale purchases, increasing the number of individuals experiencing the technology, and in some cases placing clean technologies in high mileage fleets. CARB will consider how zero emission technologies can play a key role in the evolution of the vehicle fleet that is poised to become fully automated. CARB staff will work with other state agencies, including CEC, CPUC, CalSTA, DMV, Caltrans, and DGS to implement the Governor’s directive. In this regulatory effort, CARB invites public participation to ensure a successful policy design and implementation plan, thereby taking another step closer to our climate and clean air goals.