Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Evaporative Information Form
CARB has implemented a new redesigned OHRV Executive Order (EO) format. To support the new EO format, CARB asks manufacturers to fill out and attach an OHRV Evaporative Information form with each OHRV certification application submitted. Please save the OHRV Evaporative Information form from this web page, fill it out, and submit with each OHRV application.
When filling out the form, please begin at Section 1 before moving on to subsequent sections. This is because once Section 1 is filled out, various fields in other sections will become unavailable depending on what was selected in Section 1. When submitting the OHRV Evaporative Information form to CARB, please make sure all required fields are filled out and submit the information as a PDF within the certification application before submitting the application to CARB–eFILE. When an engine family contains multiple evaporative families, create a separate OHRV Evaporative Information form for each evaporative family and include all forms with the engine family's certification application.