Permanence Certification Application: Oxy CARB-1
Carbon Capture, Removal, Utilization, and Storage
Pursuant to subsection C.1.1(a) of the CCS Protocol, Oxy Carbon Storage, LLC (Oxy) submitted a Permanence Certification application on November 4, 2019 for its CARB-1 sequestration site located at the West Seminole San Andres Unit near Seminole, Texas.
In accordance with CCS Protocol subsection C.1.1(b), CARB is posting an initial determination along with a redacted version of the application package for public comment for 15 calendar days from (insert date) to (insert date). Per subsection C.1.1(b), CARB must address comments received during the public comment period if considered valid.
Links to the initial determination and application package for Oxy's CARB-1 project are provided below.
- CARB Initial Determination, including Executive Officer Approvals
- Application Package
- Application Description
- Application File Directory
- Application Cover Letter, Application, and Attestation Letter
- Appendix 1: Third-Party Review
- Appendix 2: Buffer Account
- Appendix 3: Site-Based Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
- Appendix 4: Geologic Evaluation Report
- Appendix 5: Formation Testing and Well Logging Plan and Report
- Appendix 6: Storage Complex Delineation and Corrective Action Plan and Report
- Appendix 7: Baseline Testing and Monitoring Plan and Report
- Appendix 8: Well Construction, Pre-Injection Testing, and Operating Requirements Plan and Report
- Appendix 9: Testing and Monitoring Plan
- Appendix 10: Well Plugging and Abandonment Plan
- Appendix 11: Post-Injection Site Care and Site Closure Plan
- Appendix 12: Emergency and Remedial Response Plan
- Appendix 13: Financial Responsibility Demonstration
- Appendix 14: Legal Understanding Demonstration