Agricultural Worker Vanpools
What did it fund?
The Agricultural Worker Vanpools project was part of the Regional Clean Mobility Pilot Projects, which fall under the umbrella of the Clean Mobility Options program. The vanpool project funded safe, affordable, and reliable clean transportation to job sites for agricultural workers in disadvantaged and low-income communities in the San Joaquin Valley and other agricultural areas in California. The California Vanpool Authority (CalVans) deployed 154 fifteen-passenger hybrid conversion vans in January 2019. CalVans later determined that the hybrid conversion technology was not well suited for the ongoing performance demands and wear-and-tear associated with continuous off-road use, so the project is no longer operational.
What were the possible incentive amounts?
CalVans was competitively selected by CARB as the project grantee for a $6 million grant.
Who was eligible for funds?
The competitively solicited grant was open to federal, State, or local government entities, other California-based public entities, or for non-profit organizations. The project required that $3 million be spent in the San Joaquin Valley and the other $3 million be prioritized for spending in the San Joaquin Valley. Ultimately, CalVans was selected as the project grantee.
How do I access funds?
No funding is currently available for this project.
How did this program provide benefits to priority populations*?
The program was limited to projects that serve priority populations. However, the demand for safe, convenient, and affordable transportation remains high in rural communities. Pooled transportation using clean-technology vehicles proved to be effective in meeting transportation needs while also providing air quality benefits; however, range and performance demands are important considerations when selecting vehicles for a particular application.
*Priority populations include residents of: (1) census tracts identified as disadvantaged by California Environmental Protection Agency per Senate Bill 535; (2) census tracts identified as low-income per Assembly Bill (AB) 1550; or (3) a low-income household per AB 1550.
Are there recent policy changes?
What were the funding sources?
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund