Oil and Gas Methane Regulation
Standards and Implementation
Oil and Natural Gas Production, Processing, and Storage
- Adopted by the Board in March 2017.
- Reduces fugitive and vented emissions of methane from both new and existing oil and gas facilities, including:
- Oil and Gas Production, Processing, and Storage Facilities;
- Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting Stations;
- Natural Gas Underground Storage Facilities; and
- Natural Gas Transmission Compressor Stations.
- Regulation includes standards for:
- Separator and tank systems;
- Circulation tanks;
- Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR);
- Underground natural gas storage monitoring;
- Natural gas compressors;
- Pneumatic devices and pumps; and
- Reporting requirements.
Regulation Standards
- Separator and tank systems:
- Requires flash testing to determine annual methane emissions.
- Requires systems with annual emissions above 10 MT methane to install vapor collection.
- Circulation tanks used in Well Stimulation Treatments:
- Operators institute a Best Practices Management Plan, followed by a control equipment technical assessment by January 1, 2019.
- If technical assessment proves out, tanks controlled for emissions by January 1, 2020.
- Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR):
- Requires daily audio/visual inspections and quarterly leak measurements of components.
- Builds on current requirements by many districts to control VOCs.
- Regulation extends testing to methane at natural gas facilities.
- Underground gas storage monitoring program:
- Ambient air monitoring.
- Daily or continuous leak monitoring at injection/withdrawal wellheads.
- Operators submit monitoring plans to CARB for approval.
- Natural gas compressors:
- Emission standards for reciprocating compressor rod packings and centrifugal compressor wet seals.
- Requires either (1) replacement of high-emitting rod packing or wet seal, or (2) collection of leaking gas.
- All compressors subject to LDAR.
- Pneumatic devices and pumps:
- Continuous bleed to be changed to no-bleed.
- Air or electricity to operate, or controlled with a vapor collection system.
- Reporting requirements:
- Facility and equipment information;
- Flash test results;
- Annual LDAR Results;
- Underground natural gas storage monitoring plan reporting;
- Annual concentrations or flow rates for compressors and pneumatics; and
- Additional annual reporting for liquids unloading of natural gas wells, and for well casting vents.
Regulation Impacts
- Overall estimated annualized cost, with natural gas savings, of $27,300,000.
- Estimated continuing reductions of more than 1.4 million MT of CO2 equivalent per year, using a 20 year Global Warming Potential for methane.
- Estimated overall cost-effectiveness of $19 per MT of CO2 equivalent reduced.
- Over 3,600 tons per year (TPY) of VOC reductions statewide.
- Over 100 TPY of reductions statewide of Toxic Air Contaminants, such as Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl-Benzene, and Xylenes.
- Neutral statewide Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) impact.
- Regulation allows both CARB and the districts to implement; district implementation is preferred.
- For most districts, CARB is handling the one-time facility and equipment reporting; districts handling “on the ground” enforcement. For district-specific responsibilities, see Memoranda of Agreements.
- January 1, 2018
- Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) begins;
- Underground natural gas storage facilities’ monitoring plans due; and
- Equipment reporting and flash testing data due.
- July 1, 2018
- CARB staff will decide to approve or request modifications of underground natural gas storage facilities’ monitoring plans.
- CARB staff will decide to approve or request modifications of underground natural gas storage facilities’ monitoring plans.
- January 1, 2019
- Vapor collection on separator and tank systems installed;
- Pneumatic devices and compressor seal change-outs required; and
- Circulation tank technology assessment complete.
- July 1, 2019
- Annual reporting of LDAR results, compressor and pneumatic concentrations or flow rates, and liquids unloading and well casing vent reporting all due.
- CARB is working with a contractor to develop a web-based tool for this reporting.
- January 1, 2020
- Circulation tank vapor collection installed, pending technology assessment.