green trees line both banks of the sacramento river. the yellow tower bridge crosses the blue water leading to the tall buildings of the sacrament skyline. the scene is set against a clear blue sky.


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LCFS Fuel Pathways Public Comments

This is a comment submission form for Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) fuel pathway applications that require public comments. Please note that your written and oral comments, attachments, and associated contact information (e.g., address, phone, email, etc.) become part of the viewable public record. Additionally, this information may become available via search engines.

Instructions for Submitting a Comment

For Temporary and Lookup Table Pathways:

  1. View the pathway documentation by selecting the pathway description.
  2. In the comment Subject line, include the pathway description. For example, "Comments for CA grid electricity used in Smart Charging or Smart Electrolysis". 

For Tier 2 Pathways:

  1. View the application package by selecting the Application Number (i.e., "B0008").
  2. In the comment Subject line, please include the specific application number. For example, "Comments for application no. B0008". 

For each posted item, comments are due at 5 PM PST on the deadline shown.

(This form will remain open for the "Deadline for Submittals" period shown below).


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  • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
  • Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically.
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Maximum 10 files.
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Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, zip.
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