Public Feedback for 2025 Updates to the Natural and Working Lands Carbon Inventory

This page is where the public are free to provide feedback on the Public Workshop on updates to the 2025 Natural and Working Lands Inventory.  We greatly appreciate your thoughts and comments.

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SB 1075 Technical Analysis Workshop

Under the California Public Records Act (Gov. Code § 6250 et seq.), your written and verbal comments, attachments, and associated contact information (e.g., your address, phone, email, etc.) become part of the public record and can be released to the public upon request.

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Public Workshop: Potential Updates to the Landfill Methane Regulation

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Dairy Sector Workshop - Public Comments

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Public Comment on Advanced Clean Fleets AB1594 Amendments

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites interested parties to submit comments on the proposed targeted amendments to the Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) regulation to implement the requirements of Assembly Bill (AB) 1594 (Garcia, Chapter 585, Statutes of 2023). Staff is seeking feedback from all interested stakeholders including utility fleet owners.   Staff presented initial topics at a public workshop on March 25th. The presentation materials are available on the Advanced Clean Fleets | California Air Resources Board webpage.  Potential amendments include; the definition of public agency utility and utility-specialized vehicles, necessary changes to the Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Purchase & Daily Usage exemptions for defined public agency utilities to allow replacements without regard to the model year of the vehicle being replaced and necessary changes to the Daily Usage exemption to allow for usage data that does not rely on the lowest mileage reading and exclude the highest usage days. Staff will consider comments received at the workshop and on this comment docket to further develop regulatory proposals. This docket will remain open for public comment until December 31, 2024. 

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Public Comment for AB 617 Community Air Protection Program: International Border Communities San Ysidro and Otay Mesa Community Emissions Reduction Program Draft Staff Report

CARB established the Community Air Protection Program (Program) to implement Assembly Bill (AB) 617 (C. Garcia, Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017), which requires new community-focused action to reduce air pollution. In October 2023, the Board approved the Community Air Protection Blueprint (Blueprint 2.0), the first update to CARB’s Program guidance which establishes criteria for developing and implementing community emissions reduction programs, community air monitoring plans, and other elements of the Program.

CARB staff has evaluated the IBC CERP and determined that it reflects community priorities, meets minimum criteria established by state law and Blueprint 2.0, and sets a foundation to deliver air pollution emissions and exposure reductions in the IBC. After consideration of the public comments received, CARB staff will submit its evaluation Staff Report and recommendation, along with the public comments, to the Executive Officer to review for approval of the IBC CERP. 

CARB estableció el Programa de Protección del Aire Comunitario (Programa) para implementar el Proyecto de Ley de la Asamblea (AB) 617 (C. García, Capítulo 136, Estatutos de 2017), que requiere nuevas acciones centradas en la comunidad para reducir la contaminación del aire. En octubre de 2023, el Consejo aprobó el Plan Marco de Protección del Aire Comunitario (Plan Marco 2.0), la primera actualización de la guía del Programa de CARB que establece criterios para desarrollar e implementar programas comunitarios de reducción de emisiones, planes de monitoreo del aire comunitario y otros elementos del Programa.

El personal de CARB ha evaluado el CERP de IBC y ha determinado que refleja las prioridades de la comunidad, cumple con los criterios mínimos establecidos por la ley estatal y el Plan Marco 2.0, y establece una base para lograr reducciones de emisiones contaminantes del aire y de exposición en el IBC. Después de considerar los comentarios públicos recibidos, el personal de CARB presentará su informe y recomendación, junto con los comentarios públicos, al director ejecutivo para su revisión y aprobación del CERP de IBC.

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Potential Amendments to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation: May 31 2024

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites interested parties to comment on a public workshop on updates to the California Cap-and-Trade Program and Mandatory GHG Reporting Program. CARB staff reviewed and presented on topics relevant to allowance allocation and emissions coverage.

Staff request written feedback following the workshop through 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on June 21, 2024.

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Public Workshop #2 on Updating the Indoor Air Quality Guidelines for Nitrogen Dioxide - Submit Public Comments

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites you to participate in a public workshop on May 30 to discuss health effects of indoor exposures to nitrogen dioxide and impacts of possible updates to the California indoor air quality guidelines for nitrogen dioxide on public health. The presentation and materials will be available after the workshop on the Indoor Air website. The purpose of the workshops is to hear information about the health effects of indoor exposures to nitrogen dioxide, current indoor air guidelines for international agencies, and how updates to the guidelines could improve indoor air quality and benefit public health. Presenters from health agencies and academia will share their perspectives on indoor air quality issues and the development and use of nitrogen dioxide guidelines. We will also hear from representatives of community groups and non-profit organizations, who will discuss how poor indoor air quality impacts their communities and what factors they consider important for new indoor air quality guidelines. 

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Comment Log for Advanced Clean Cars II Amendments - June Workshop

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites interested parties to submit comments on potential updates to the Advanced Clean Cars regulations. Staff will present initial topics at a public workshop on June 26. The presentation materials will be available after the workshop on the Advanced Clean Cars website. The presentation covers concepts for regulatory updates to CARB’s low-emission vehicle (LEV) greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards for model years beyond 2025; coordination between California’s LEV IV and the proposed federal Tier 4 program for light- and medium-duty vehicle criteria air pollutant requirements; and emerging topics and implementation updates related to CARB’s zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) regulation. Staff will consider comments received at the workshop and on this comment docket in further developing regulatory proposals to be presented at future workshops and outreach events. This docket will open for public comment on June 26, 2024.

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Zero-Emission Space and Water Heater Standards May 29, 2024 Workshop – Public Comments

This docket is accepting comments from 9:00 a.m. on May 29, 2024 until 11:59 p.m. on June 26, 2024.

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