The process of capturing CO2 from a stationary source, followed by compressing, transporting and injecting it into a suitable geologic formation where it will be sequestered.
A colorless, odorless gas that occurs naturally in the Earth's atmosphere. Significant quantities are also emitted into the air by fossil fuel combustion. (See also ClimateChange.ca.gov gloss.)
The amount of carbon dioxide by weight that would produce the same global warming impact as a given weight of another greenhouse gas, based on the best available science, including from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
A colorless, odorless gas resulting from the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. CO interferes with the blood's ability to carry oxygen to the body's tissues and results in numerous adverse health effects. Over 80 percent of the CO emitted in urban areas is contributed by motor vehicles. CO is a criteria air pollutant.
The process of removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere by storing it in a carbon reservoir other than the atmosphere. Sequestration enhances carbon storage in trees and soils, preserves existing tree and soil carbon and reduces emissions of CO2, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).
A cancer-causing substance. (See also cancer)
A multi-million dollar incentive grant program designed to encourage reduction of emissions from heavy-duty engines. The grants cover the additional cost of cleaner technologies for on-road, off-road, marine, locomotive and agricultural pump engines, as well as forklifts and airport ground support equipment.
The Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CAS) is a numeric designation assigned by the American Chemical Society's Chemical Abstract Service and uniquely identifies a specific compound. This entry allows one to conclusively identify a material regardless of the name or naming system used.
A substance that can increase or decrease the rate of a chemical reaction between the other chemical species without being consumed in the process.
A motor vehicle pollution control device designed to reduce emissions such as oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Catalytic converters have been required equipment on all new motor vehicles sold in California since 1979.
The formal process where the manufacturer of a vehicle, product, or process demonstrates compliance with all applicable regulations and is granted permission to market, sell, or deliver the item in California. Certification in California is usually indicated by the granting of an Executive Order (EO).
Any of a number of substances consisting of chlorine, fluorine and carbon. CFCs are used for refrigeration, foam packaging, solvents and propellants.
See Combined Heat and Power.
Long-term exposure, usually lasting one year to a lifetime.
A health effect that occurs over a relatively long period of time (e.g., months or years). (See also acute health effect.)
COPD is a lung disease characterized by chronic obstruction of airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is generally progressive, but may be partially reversible. The more familiar terms 'chronic bronchitis' and 'emphysema' are included within the COPD diagnosis. COPD is strongly associated with tobacco smoking but can occur in non-smokers as well and is a serious, life-threatening lung disease.
CVRP is intended to encourage and accelerate zero-emission vehicle deployment and technology innovation by providing grants to eligible vehicles. For more details see the ARB website.
Gasoline fuel that results in reduced emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, reactive organic gases and particulate matter, in addition to toxic substances such as benzene and 1,3-butadiene. Visit our cleaner-burning gasoline website or an overview of ARB's fuels program.
The Secretary of Cal/EPA leads the Climate Action Team made up of representatives from state agencies, boards and departments. The CAT members work to coordinate statewide efforts to implement global warming emission reduction programs and the state's Climate Adaptation Strategy. The CAT is also responsible for reporting on the progress made toward meeting the statewide greenhouse gas targets that were established by Executive Order S-3-05 and further defined under AB 32.
see Global Warming and/or its own glossary.
A layer of any substance such as paint, lacquer, or varnish applied over a surface for protection. For more information, visit our coatings website.
A measurement of the quantity of dust and smoke in the atmosphere in a theoretical 1,000 linear feet of air. A COH of less than three is considered clean air and more than five is of some concern. COH readings of 20 or more can occur in urban areas.
Cold Ironing or Shore power refers to providing electrical power to a vessel that is docked. The purpose of shore power is to allow the vessel operator to turn off the vessel's auxiliary engines, which would normally be providing the necessary electricity. Although there are emissions associated with the generation of electricity used for shore power, those emissions are much less than those from the auxiliary engines, which burn diesel fuel.
An approach to generating power and thermal energy from a single fuel source. CHP application involves the recovery of otherwise wasted thermal energy to produce additional power or useful thermal energy.
The act or instance of burning some type of fuel, such as gasoline, to produce energy. Combustion is typically the process that powers automobile engines and power plant generators.
(See alternative fuels.)