Air Resources Board Approves "Sootless" Bus Engine Powered by Natural Gas
For immediate release
SACRAMENTO - The State Air Resources Board will hold a press conference to announce its certification of a sootless, natural gas-powered bus engine, which allows its sale to transit agencies throughout the state.
The press conference will be held Monday, Sept. 14, 1993, at 9:30 a.m., in the parking lot of the Air Resources Board building, 2020 "L" St. in downtown Sacramento.
The engine is the latest to be certified to the ARB's emission standards for soot-like particulate, which are the nation's strictest and which require new transit bus engines to be 90 percent less polluting than new models built just five years ago. Although the federal EPA has copied these standards for the rest of the country, new buses in other states are not required to meet them for another two years.
Sacramento officials have already ordered 95 buses equipped with this engine. Smaller orders have been placed by transit officials in Yolo, San Diego, Los Angeles and Orange Counties. ARB approval of the engine is expected to pave the way for additional bus sales in the state.
Officials from the State Air Resources Board and California Environmental Protection Agency will be available, as will chairman of the board and other executives from Cummins Engine Co., of Columbus, Indiana, manufacturer of the engine.
In addition, a bus outfitted with the engine will be available for drives and a cutaway version of the engine will also be on display.