Imperial Irrigation District fined for diesel truck fleet violations
For immediate release
SACRAMENTO - The California Air Resources Board fined the Imperial Irrigation District $45,375 for operating its truck fleet and other diesel equipment in conflict with air quality regulations.
ARB investigators found that the Imperial Irrigation District neglected to install particulate filters on its trucks, and to record smoke emissions, as required by California law. The district also failed to report its diesel equipment being used in off-road activities.
“To preserve the quality of California’s air, we must all work to curtail the emissions of diesel-powered vehicles,” said ARB Enforcement Chief James Ryden. “Businesses and public agencies alike are held to the same standards.”
The ARB requires all operators of diesel equipment to:
- Install best available emissions control technology, based on the model year of the engine;
- Periodically test and record smoke emissions; and,
- Report all off-road vehicles in use, and label them with engine identification numbers.
The Imperial Irrigation District has agreed to retrofit all vehicles, and submit proof of compliance to ARB. The district will also instruct employees operating diesel equipment to abide by idling regulations.
Of the $45,000 paid, $34,000 will go to the California Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality; $11,000 will go to the Palomar Community College Foundation to support their diesel technology program and, specifically, instruction in diesel engine service and maintenance.
Diesel exhaust contains a variety of harmful gases and over 40 other known cancer-causing compounds. In 1998, California identified diesel particulate matter as a toxic air contaminant based on its potential to cause cancer, premature death and other health problems.