Advantus, Corp. Settlement
Advantus, Corp. Settles For $6,000
In May 2022, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reached a settlement with Advantus, Corp. (Advantus), with its principal location in Jacksonville, Florida, in the amount of $6,000, for the company’s violation of CARB’s air quality regulations.
CARB staff conducted an investigation that revealed Advantus sold, supplied, offered for sale and/or manufactured a heavy-duty hand cleaner or soap (nonaerosol) product for use in California containing concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC) that exceeded the standards specified in Cal. Code Regs., tit. 17, § 94509(a). Advantus also failed to meet the date of manufacture requirements as stated in Cal. Code Regs., tit. 17, §94512(c)(1).
The penalty in this case is for three days of excess VOC and three days of labeling violation. The $6,000 will be deposited into CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California’s air quality. Advantus cooperated fully with CARB to resolve this matter. To come into compliance, Advantus is no longer offering the product for sale in California.