Nominations for the 2022 Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award
Press Release October 21, 2022
Considered the “Nobel Prize” in air quality achievement, CARB’s Clean Air Awards in honor of Dr. Arie Haagen-Smit have been given annually since 2001 to individuals who have made transformative contributions toward air quality and/or addressing climate change. CARB’s award is named after Dr. Arie Haagen-Smit whose pioneering research found that most of California's smog resulted from photochemistry (when exhaust from motor vehicles and industrial facilities react with sunlight to create ozone). This scientific breakthrough led to a complete transformation of air pollution control not only in California but also around the world. Indeed, Dr. Haagen-Smit, as CARB’s first chairperson, helped to lead the way in leveraging scientific foundations for the establishment of health protective air quality policies and standards.
The Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award recognizes those who embody Dr. Haagen-Smit’s legacy, with work that similarly has substantial and lasting impacts on how air pollution and climate change are fought – whether by advancing science and technology itself or by leading environmental policy goals and achievements. In keeping with Dr. Haagen-Smit’s globally relevant legacy, plus the international aspects of CARB’s ongoing leadership, the Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award honors those with international accomplishments as well as those who have acted locally.
Awards may be given each year in any, or each, of the following categories related to improving air quality and/or climate change:
- Education;
- Environmental Justice;
- International Work;
- Policy;
- Research;
- Science / Technology.
In a single year, some categories may have no winners. If a nominee does not win an award, nominators should reapply in future years.
More about previous Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award Recipients.
Selection Criteria
The selection criteria are inspired by the life and achievements of Dr. Arie Haagen-Smit, and award winners are chosen who embody Dr. Haagen-Smit's qualities of excellence and dedication to cleaner air. Following are the criteria for awarding Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards:
- Exceptional and transformative contributions: Nominees should have a record of exceptional achievements in improving air quality and/or climate change that distinguish them from others in their field, in terms of dedication, leadership, and innovation.
- Widespread impacts: A nominee's work should result in substantial, widespread, and lasting impacts to improve air quality and/or climate change in the areas of education, environmental justice, international work, policy, research, or science / technology.
- Novel accomplishments: The work of a nominee should include novel accomplishments that are innovative and align with a vision for a clean air future, with influence that grows.
- Exceptional leadership and achievements can be lifetime achievements or achievements in a nominee’s career to date. Nominees who are midway in their careers should demonstrate influence at the state, national, or international level, as well as promise for future achievements.
Nomination Process
Evidence of the selection criteria qualities and how the nominee’s achievements differentiate them from others who have held similar positions should be demonstrated in the following 5 (five) components of a nomination package:
- Nominee’s curriculum vitae or resume (attach to Nomination Form or email to
- Webpage(s) providing background information about the nominee or their accomplishments (provide on Nomination Form).
- At least 3 (three), but no more than 5 (five), letters of recommendation (attach to Nomination Form or email to Letters of recommendation must include writer’s name, affiliation, email address, the statement “Letter of Recommendation to Be Kept Confidential: Yes / No”, and signature.
- Biography of nominee (500-word limit, provide on Nomination Form).
- Description of the nominee's accomplishments and how they meet the 4 (four) selection criteria. Selection criteria. (1,000-word limit, provide on Nomination Form).
Candidates for a Haagen-Smit Award must be living at the time of nomination; awards are not made posthumously.
The California Air Resources Board is accepting nominations from the public for the 2022 Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards, now through December 16, 2022. To submit a nomination, please submit a Nomination Form, along with the supporting materials (items 1 & 2, above), to:
New nominations, as well as nominations for outstanding individuals nominated in prior years but who have not yet won, are welcome and encouraged.
The Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award Advisory Committee (AC) reviews all nominations and recommends the final candidates for a Clean Air Award to the California Air Resources Board. The Committee is comprised of former Haagen-Smit Awardees who are not current employees or members of the California Air Resources Board, who have been invited to serve by the Air Resources Board Chair. The following former awardees are currently serving on the AC: Dr. Judith Chow, Dr. Alan Lloyd, Ms. Fran Pavley, and Dr. Anumita Roychowdhury.
Award Announcements & Events
The review of nomination packages will be conducted January-February 2023. The program is aiming to notify winners in March 2023.
An awards presentation will be held during a California Air Resources Board’s meeting (which is also webcast) in either May or June 2023.
Along with the awards presentation, winners are invited to share their work with CARB staff and interested members of the public at the annual “Clean Air Leadership Talks”. This event usually takes place the day before or after the Board's presentation of the awards.
Check CARB's Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards webpage for announcements and updates.