Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) is closed, effective November 8, 2023.
What did it fund?
Rebates for the purchase or lease of new, eligible light-duty vehicles, including electric, fuel-cell, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
What were the possible incentive amounts?
For information about incentive amounts, visit the CVRP About page.
Who was eligible for funds?
Individuals, businesses, nonprofit and government entities based in California.
CVRP Rebate Now offered the opportunity for low and moderate-income residents to be preapproved for a CVRP rebate prior to purchasing or leasing an eligible vehicle.
How did this program provide benefits to priority populations*?
Larger rebates are available for lower-income applicants and for public fleets operating in disadvantaged communities.
*Priority populations include residents of: (1) census tracts identified as disadvantaged by California Environmental Protection Agency per Senate Bill 535; (2) census tracts identified as low-income per Assembly Bill (AB) 1550; or (3) a low-income household per AB 1550.
How do I access funds?
Effective November 8, 2023, CVRP is closed.
What were the funding sources?
- Air Quality Improvement Fund
- General Fund
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund