Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
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What is the Carl Moyer Program?
The Carl Moyer Program, established in 1998, is a voluntary grant program that reduces air pollution from vehicles and equipment by providing incentive funds to private companies and public agencies to purchase cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and emission reduction technologies. The program has been implemented through a partnership between the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and California’s 35 local air pollution control and air quality management districts. Named after Dr. Carl Moyer, a pioneer in addressing California’s air quality challenges, the program funds emission reductions that are surplus –- either earlier or beyond what is mandated by regulations.
What types of projects qualify for the Carl Moyer Program?
Projects that reduce emissions from heavy-duty on-road and off-road equipment qualify for Moyer grants. These projects go beyond regulatory requirements by replacing, repowering or retrofitting older, higher-emitting engines. Eligible engines may include on-road trucks over 14,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight, off-road equipment such as construction and farm equipment, marine vessels, locomotives, stationary agricultural equipment, forklifts, light-duty vehicles, airport ground support equipment, lawn and garden equipment, and emergency vehicles. More information on eligible source categories is available from the Carl Moyer Program.
Depending on the type of equipment you have, other types of assistance may be available. Please consult your local air district and see the related resource information for financial opportunities, including loan information, on Truck Stop.
How much funding is available?
The Moyer Program provides over $100 million for projects each year statewide, funded through tire fees and smog impact vehicle registration fees collected by the Board of Equalization and Department of Motor Vehicles, respectively. The program pays up to 85 percent of the cost to repower engines and replace equipment, and up to 100 percent to purchase a CARB-verified retrofit device. Maximum grant amounts vary for purchase of new vehicles and equipment.
Are there recent policy changes?
The Carl Moyer Program was modified by the California legislature through Senate Bill 513 (Beall, 2015) and captured in the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines). The bill updated the Moyer Program to be able to better support advanced technologies including associated charging and fueling infrastructure, and also expanded the Program's ability to stack its funds with other State incentive dollars, thereby extending the reach of both pots of funds. The Board will approve a new set of Guidelines in the of Fall 2024.
Who is eligible for funds?
Individuals, businesses, and government agencies are eligible for funding. Local air districts administer the program and select projects to fund, not every air district funds every type of project that is eligible, contact your local air district for the most updated information.
How do I access funds?
Air districts administer and select projects for their region according to their local priorities. To access funds, apply through your local air district.
How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?
Local air districts with a population greater than 1,000,000 people must invest at least 50 percent of their Moyer program funds in projects within “environmental justice areas.” These areas are determined by the local air districts, based on similar criteria to those used to designate priority population boundaries.
Cumulative Outcomes based on Program Statistics as of June 2021
- $1.6 billion allocated
- $1.31 billion encumbered
- 69,900 projects (vehicles, engines and equipment) implemented
- This program does not have a quantified GHG emission benefit MTCO2e reduction.
- 191,000 tons of NOₓ reductions
- 10,900 tons of ROG/HC reductions
- 7,440 tons of PM reductions
Funding Sources
The Moyer Program is funded by Air Pollution Control Fund established pursuant to the Health & Saf. Code § 43015. The reauthorization of the Moyer Program through AB 2836 (Garcia, 2022) extended the funding to January 1, 2034.
Where can I get more information about Carl Moyer Program grants?
Visit the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program for more information. There you will find the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines. For additional assistance, please contact MoyerHelp@arb.ca.gov.