Draft 2022 Scoping Plan Community Listening Sessions - Virtual
Register to participate via ZOOM
CARB invites community members and interested stakeholders to participate in Listening Sessions to hear an overview of California’s plan to address climate change and share your thoughts on the Draft 2022 Scoping Plan Update with CARB staff and Board Members. The first Listening Session will be held in the Bay Area. Additional Listening Sessions will be held in the San Joaquin Valley and Los Angeles and virtually.
Every five years, CARB prepares an update to the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Climate Change Scoping Plan – California’s plan to fight climate change. This update includes programs, policies and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from major sources like industry, transportation, and agriculture while also reducing harmful air pollution.
The Draft 2022 update to the Scoping Plan was released to the public on May 10, 2022. On June 23, the Board held a public meeting on the Draft Plan in Sacramento with more than 450 people providing verbal comments.
Now the Board is coming to you. These Listening Sessions will provide an additional opportunity for community members and interested stakeholders across the state to learn about the Draft Plan and voice their thoughts on the Plan.
Feedback from these sessions will be collected to inform potential revisions to the Draft Plan.
If you have questions or comments regarding the Listening Session series, please contact listen@arb.ca.gov. If you require a special accommodation or need this document in an alternate format (i.e. Braille, large print) or another language, please contact listen@arb.ca.gov as soon as possible. TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711 for the California Relay Service.
Registration for the in-person sessions is strongly encouraged but not required.