CHC Factsheet: Labeling Requirements
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Date: February 27, 2023. View changes since posting in the PDF version.
Specific details on the labelling requirements can be found in the regulation text subsection (g) Unique Vessel Identifier Requirement (CCR Title 17, section 93118.5). In the case of any discrepancy between this document and the regulation order, the regulation language applies.
2022 Amendments
Under the 2022 Amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) Regulation, all harbor craft operating in Regulated California Waters (RCW) are required to have a CARB Unique Vessel Identifier (UVI). CARB UVI is a unique set of letters and numbers in a format of “CARB0001” that is assigned to a vessel to ensure traceability and permanent identification of the vessel. Vessel operators are responsible for creating and maintaining this label.
Unique Vessel Identifier Requirement
- CARB will issue UVI numbers to vessel owners by March 1, 2023, or within 30 calendar days of the vessel fulfilling reporting requirements, whichever occurs later. For more information on reporting requirements, see subsection (o) in the Final Regulation Order.
- On or before January 1, 2024, harbor craft must have a CARB UVI permanently affixed to or painted on their vessel according to the specifications below.
UVIs may be either affixed as printed labels or painted onto the vessel according to the following specifications:
- CARB UVI characters must be in a sans-serif font at least 5 inches in height and 2.5 inches in width.
- The CARB UVI must be legible in daylight hours and remain legible for the entire duration of the vessel’s operation in RCW.
- Letters and numbers must be black, and the background surface must be lime green with decimal code (R,G,B) – (0,255,0). The lime green CARB UVI label background must be at least 40 inches in width and 10 inches in height.
- Registered historic vessels may display the UVI label with alternative methods in order to maintain the vessel’s aesthetic. Alternative fonts and coloring may be permitted, but these labels must meet the requirements of specifications 1, 2, 4, and 5.
- CARB UVI must be affixed or painted on to both sides of the pilot house in a visible location but not obstructing captain/pilot view. If the vessel does not have a pilot house, another visible location on both sides of the vessel can be selected.
- Marking shall be kept maintained and legible as required by Specifications 1-4 above.
CARB does not supply UVI labels. As a courtesy to vessel owners/operators, CARB staff has compiled a list of vendors who indicate they are capable of supplying compliant UVI labels. This list is located online at
CARB does not endorse, recommend, or guarantee the work of vendors on the list, and the list is not exhaustive. Vessel owners and operators may use any vendor of their choosing that is able to produce labeling that complies with the CHC regulation labeling requirements. All vendors will be granted equal opportunity for inclusion on this list upon request.