Kay Lynn Schaffer and Weld-IT Industries, Inc. Settlement
Kay Lynn Schaffer and Weld-IT Industries, Inc. Settle For $202,500
In April 2022, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and Kay Lynn Schaffer and Weld-IT Industries, Inc. (Weld-IT), of Commerce, California, reached a settlement agreement for the company’s violation of CARB’s air quality regulations.
CARB staff initiated an investigation into Weld-IT after witnessing onsite violations of the Cargo Tank Regulations under Health & Safety Code section 41962, and the California Code of Regulations, title 17, section 94014. While on routine inspections at Weld-IT’s Commerce, California facility, two cargo tanks purged or vented gasoline vapors directly into the atmosphere. On a follow-up visit, two additional cargo tanks purged or vented gasoline vapors directly into the atmosphere.
Weld-IT agreed to a per unit violation of $33,750 for two units and $67,500 for another two units for a total of $202,500 in penalties. The amount of $197,500 was suspended due to extreme financial hardship, provided Weld-IT complies with the terms set forth in the Settlement Agreement. Weld-IT will pay the amount of $5,000 in penalty, which will be allocated to CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund.
Terms of the settlement include a requirement for Weld-IT to comply with all certification and testing procedures going forward, including but not limited to the prohibition of directly or indirectly venting gasoline vapors into the atmosphere. As a preventative effort, Weld-IT submitted a compliance plan to ensure no further noncompliant purging occurs. Weld-IT must maintain records to show compliance with the California Code of Regulations, title 17, section 94104 and all CARB regulations going forward.