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Fecha Final
Climate Change
Event Type
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is hosting a hybrid public meeting for the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The hybrid meeting is open to the public and includes a public comment period.
Date: October 24, 2022
Time: 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Locations: Zoom or Telephone
Or at the following location:
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District | 1990 E. Gettysburg Avenue, Fresno, California 93726
- Introductions and Opening Remarks
- Updates on the 2022 Scoping Plan: The EJAC may hear updates from CARB staff on 2022 Scoping Plan development activities.
- Permanent EJAC: The EJAC will hear a Permanent EJAC Proposal from CARB staff and may share questions or comments about the Permanent EJAC and community engagement.
- Recirculated Draft Environmental Analysis (EA) for the Draft 2022 Scoping Plan Update: The EJAC may hear updates from CARB staff on the Recirculated Draft EA and may share questions or comments.
- Transparency Requirements for Advisory Committees: The EJAC will hear from CARB staff about transparency requirements for advisory committee members including the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, conflict of interest, and Public Records Act requirements and may share questions or comments.
- Debrief Fresno Tour: The EJAC will debrief the Fresno toxic tour.
- Public Comment
- Discussion of next meeting agenda topics: The EJAC may discuss and take action to set agenda topics for the next EJAC meeting.
- Closing
Please note: the EJAC will begin its discussion of the agenda items at the Monday meeting and will continue to discuss agenda items at Tuesday’s meeting.
Supporting Media
CARB Presentation Oct 2022 EJAC Meeting
CARB EJAC10242022.PDF · 240 KB
CARB Advisory Committee Transparency Requirements