Public Meeting on Emerging Research: Air Pollution Health Outcomes and Valuation
Date & Time | Event |
Mar 22, 2023 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
| Public Meeting on Emerging Research: Air Pollution Health Outcomes and ValuationThe purpose of this meeting is to hear information about emerging science in the area of air pollution and health in order to better understand the current available research and methodologies to assess and quantify health outcomes and benefits. This meeting will involve several presentations by academic and governmental experts on topics including health outcomes and valuation. The presentations will be followed by questions and a panel discussion with health experts under contract to CARB (see Meeting Notice for the list of scientific health experts). Afterwards there will be a period of public comment. Meeting Agenda:
Meeting Materials:
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Public comments period will end on April 6th, 2023.