iRobot Corporation and its affiliates Aeris Cleantec AG and Aeris Representative, LLC Settlement
iRobot Corporation and its affiliates Aeris Cleantec AG and Aeris Representative, LLC Settles For $36,800
In April 2023, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reached a settlement with iRobot Corporation and its affiliates Aeris Cleantec AG and Aeris Representative, LLC (collectively iRobot) with its principal location in Bedford, Massachusetts, in the amount of $36,800 for the company’s violation of CARB’s Regulation for Limiting Ozone Emissions From Indoor Air Cleaning Devices (Indoor ACD Regulation), as codified in California Code of Regulations, title 17, section 94800 et seq.
An investigation conducted by CARB staff showed that iRobot violated the Indoor ACD Regulation because they manufactured for use in California, sold, supplied, offered for sale, and introduced into commerce in California, Aeris brand indoor air cleaning devices that were not certified by CARB at the time of sale. Indoor air cleaners are subject to an ozone emission concentration limit of 0.050 parts per million (ppm) and are required to be certified prior to sale in California. Additionally, iRobot failed to include a statement excluding sales to California on webpages advertising uncertified indoor air cleaners, and iRobot did not inform distributors, sellers, and retailers of the Indoor ACD Regulation (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 17, § 94800 et seq.).
To come into compliance, iRobot received CARB certification for indoor air cleaners sold in California. iRobot fully cooperated with CARB toward resolution in this matter. The penalty amount will be deposited into CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality.