Current Activities
In addition to maintaining the mobile source emission inventories, MSEI staff performs additional technical work that informs air quality policy for California. This page provides a list of programs, resources, and efforts that mobile source inventory staff leads or supports.
Activity Description | Program Link |
Senate Bill (SB) 1 Report - Among other provisions, SB 1 states that as of January 1, 2020, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must check that vehicles are compliant with, or exempt from, CARB’s Truck and Bus Regulation prior to being registered to operate in California. MSEI staff is leading this report that is due to the legislature by January 1, 2025, and coordinating with regulatory teams. | |
2020 – 2022 San Pedro Bay Port Congestion - Ports in California experienced a substantial increase in cargo imports, resulting in significant congestion at terminals and in surrounding areas. This has led to emissions increases from freight-related sources which can negatively impact air quality especially in communities near the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach (collectively the San Pedro Bay Ports). The following documents detail the emission impacts from freight related sources due to this congestion. | |
Smog Check Certification - California Air Resources Board staff prepared the California Smog Check Performance Standard Modeling (PSM) and Program Certification for the 70 parts per billion (ppb) 8-hour Ozone Standard (referred as “Smog Check Certification”) to address State Implementation Plan (SIP) requirements of the federal Clean Air Act (CAA, or the Act) for ozone nonattainment areas within the State. | |
Emissions Surveillance Testing - CARB’s vehicle surveillance programs (VSP) for light-duty passenger vehicles (LD), light-heavy duty vehicles (LHD), Motorcycles (MCY) and truck and bus surveillance programs (TBSP) for heavy-duty trucks and buses are conducted to collect emissions data used to model the statewide in-use fleet and develop the emissions inventory. The test data collected from VSP and TBSP is used to update the state’s EMission FACtor model (EMFAC) for base exhaust emission rates, start emission rates, evaporative emission rates, deterioration rates, vehicle speed correction factors and other correction factors needed for emissions inventory development. | Class 4-6 |
Mobile Source Strategy - The State of California has many air quality, climate, and community risk reduction goals to achieve over the next thirty years. CARB staff developed the 2020 Mobile Source Strategy to take an integrated planning approach to identify the level of transition to cleaner mobile source technologies needed to achieve all of California’s targets. Mobile sources and the fossil fuels that power them continue to contribute a majority of emissions of diesel particulate matter as well as smog. | |
Off-Road Advanced Clean Equipment - This web page is a showcase of zero-emission off-road equipment (known to CARB) that are currently available in the market or are in various stages of research, development, or demonstration. By sharing this list, CARB's staff intends to achieve the following objectives: Demonstrate progress in off-road zero-emission equipment availability, provide a comprehensive reference of zero-emission off-road equipment for incentive or regulatory strategies, and introduce alternative charging options and strategies. |