Outcomes and Results for Clean Mobility in Schools
Cumulative Outcomes as of November 30, 2023
- $49.25 million allocated
- $34.4 million encumbered
- $34.4 million benefitting priority populations*
- 4 projects implemented
- 15,000 MTCO2e GHG reductions*
*Only quantified for encumbered funds.
Project Statistics
Total Funding Implemented To-Date: $34,400,000
Project Implementation Timeframe: 2020 – 2025
Percent Benefitting Low-Income Residents/Disadvantaged Communities: 100% (DAC)
Overall Demographics of Communities Served by Project Category: Hispanic 35%, White 29%, Asian 19%, African American 11%, and Other 6%
Emissions reductions:
- 15,000 MTCO2e GHG reductions
- 195,887 pounds of NOx reductions
- 14,390 pounds of ROG/HC reductions
- 4,967 pounds of PM2.5 reductions
Cost savings and job modeling:
- 100 percent of funds benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities
- $1,190,008 million in travel cost savings
- 876,795 in net fossil fuel use reductions
- 509,381 passenger vehicle miles traveled reductions
- 126 directly supported jobs
- 47 indirectly supported jobs
- 88 induced jobs
Project specifics:
- 26 battery electric school buses
- 90 charging stations
- 20 e-bikes
- 6 battery energy storage systems
- 4 workforce training programs
- 3 car-share programs
- 6 medium and heavy-duty school district vehicles
Socioeconomic Benefits
In a continued effort to provide transparency and commitment to data, CARB is taking measures to improve data collection for the evaluation, analysis, and reporting of socioeconomic benefits for program participants. This includes an updated survey to provide for more streamlined data collection, analysis, and identification of benefits or areas for improvement. These surveys are self-reported by participants on improved access to employment and goods and services, reliability, and participant testimonials. The table below demonstrates relationships and metrics that these surveys will capture and quantify.
Benefit(s) | Metric(s) | Evaluation Method(s) | Data Source | Reportable Outcomes |
Improve students’ access to schools | Number of school buses deployed, number of student riders, number of trips | Analyze student ridership data | School district transportation data | Number of student riders, number of school buses deployed, number of trips |
Transportation cost savings made possible by investments | Transportation cost savings calculated by different modes from the benefits calculator | Benefits calculator | Mode data reported by the grantees | Transportation cost savings from new mobility options relative to driving, owning, and maintaining a private automobile |