Outcomes for Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects
Cumulative Statistics as of April 30, 2024
- $436 million encumbered
- $424 million benefitting priority populations*
- 34 projects with 756 vehicles, engines and equipment implemented
- 182,200 MTCO2e GHG reductions
- 642 tons of NOx reductions
- 38.6 tons of ROG reductions
- 18 tons of PM reductions
The primary goal of Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects is to feed the innovation pipeline to ensure that the technologies needed to meet the state’s 2030 goals are commercially available. Over the past several years, the learnings from Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects have provided crucial feedback to manufacturers, fleets, and government agencies. Staff continues to work with stakeholders to develop metrics to capture the benefits associated with these projects.
As an additional benefit, all projects will produce emission reductions of both greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants. Staff cannot estimate the exact emission benefits for any projects being funded from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund until solicitations have been completed and specific project elements have been selected.
CARB will report in Annual Reports and future Funding Plans the outcomes of these projects, including GHG reductions achieved or anticipated using the appropriate CARB quantification methodology; progress in meeting or exceeding SB 535 and AB 1550 targets for investment in and benefits to disadvantaged communities; updates on economic, environmental, and public health co-benefits achieved or anticipated; and project locations. Metrics for evaluating the success of any heavy-duty vehicle and off-road equipment demonstration and pilot project will include:
- Successful deployments of vehicles and equipment along with supporting infrastructure. This metric is evaluated by comparing the project outcome described in the project’s application with actual performance.
- Accurate data collection and reporting of project performance. This metric is evaluated by an analysis of the quality of the data projects are generating and how that data is being reported to interested stakeholders.
- Advancing technological development. This metric is evaluated after the close of a project with an assessment of what level the technology has penetrated into the marketplace to displace conventionally fueled technologies.
Estimated Program Benefits
The most quantitative way of evaluating success is to compare the project as originally scoped by the application to the actual outcome of the project, as each demonstration and pilot project has unique goals and metrics. However, the ultimate analysis of the success of a demonstration or pilot project can only be evaluated long after it has ended. Success is determined by the extent to which the project has pushed a technology quicker into the marketplace, accelerated the adoption of that technology, and secured those emission 131 reductions by displacing conventionally fueled technologies in an economical way earlier than would have organically happened.
AB 1550 Disadvantaged Community and Low-Income Household/Community Benefits: Consistent with past Funding Plans staff proposes that up to 100 percent of GGRF funding for Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects be in or benefitting a priority population and that any application for funding where the state’s General Fund dollars are used be given scoring preference to projects that are located in or benefitting a priority population.
Socioeconomic Benefits
In a continued effort to provide transparency and commitment to data, CARB is taking measures to improve data collection for the evaluation, analysis, and reporting of socioeconomic benefits for program participants. This includes an updated survey to provide for more streamlined data collection, analysis, and identification of benefits or areas for improvement. These surveys are self-reported by participants on improved access to employment and goods and services, reliability, and participant testimonials.
View Projects in Action
*Priority populations include residents of: (1) census tracts identified as disadvantaged by California Environmental Protection Agency per Senate Bill 535; (2) census tracts identified as low-income per Assembly Bill (AB) 1550; or (3) a low-income household per AB 1550.