Remediation Fund
The remediation fund is an additional compliance option designed to be used in specific limited circumstances. For more information about remediation fund use and administration, please see the 2020 At-Berth Regulation sections 93130.15-16 and 93130.18 and the At Berth FAQ document. The FAQ document also contains information about Vessel Incident Events/Terminal Incident Events (VIEs/TIEs), which are allocated annually and may be used for any reason, as well as information about exceptions for safety and emergency events.
What is the remediation fund and when can it be used?
The remediation fund may be used in specific limited circumstances. Regulated entities can apply to pay into this fund to remediate their uncontrolled emissions during a vessel visit to a regulated berth, so long as they have already made investments or taken steps toward using a CARB Approved Emissions Control Strategy (CAECS) but were unable to use a CAECS during this visit due to a qualifying circumstance. Qualifying circumstances are limited to:
- terminal or port equipment repairs that prevent connection to a CAECS,
- vessel equipment repairs that prevent connection to a CAECS,
- delays or interruptions in controlling emissions during operation of a CAECS,
- construction-related activities at the terminal that prevent connection to a CAECS, or
- unavoidable physical and/or operational constraint that was previously identified in a CARB-approved terminal plan.
Funds collected will go towards projects that reduce emissions in the same port communities that are impacted by the uncontrolled emissions. Fund administrators have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with CARB to receive and allocate funds in the appropriate regions for each regulated port. See table below for fund administrators and contact information.
Administrator Contact Information
Administrator | Ports | Contact | How to Pay* |
Bay Area AQMD1 | San Francisco, Oakland, Redwood City, Richmond, Independent Marine Terminals | | |
CAPCOA2 | N/A | | not yet available |
San Diego APCD3 | San Diego | | instructions webpage |
San Joaquin Valley APCD3 | Stockton | | fund expected to be established when compliance obligation begins in 2027 |
South Coast AQMD1 | POLA, POLB | | instructions pdf |
Ventura County APCD3 | Port of Hueneme | | instructions pdf |
*If payment methods are not yet available, you can still apply for eligibility to use the remediation fund. See "Can I use the remediation fund before the fund administrators are set up?" below for more details.
How does a regulated entity apply to use the remediation fund?
Regulated entities wishing to use the remediation fund for compliance with the 2020 At Berth Regulation should submit their request with supporting documentation to within 30 calendar days after the affected vessel visit. For expedited review, please include the vessel visit report in the same message. A Request to Remediate template can be found here. We encourage all regulated entities to use CARB’s reporting templates, available at: At Berth Reporting Templates | California Air Resources Board.
After receiving the request, CARB then has 30 calendar days to approve or disapprove and notify the requestor of the decision. Please note that incomplete applications which are not resolved within the 30 day CARB review period will be disapproved. If approved, the requestor then has 30 days to transfer their payment to the CARB-approved fund administrator, according to the specific payment provisions established by that administrator in its Memorandum of Understanding with CARB.
Timeline for Remediation Fund Use Option

What is the cost and who pays?
CARB does not dictate which party pays into the remediation fund or how the cost is split as long as the appropriate amount is paid into the fund. This decision is between the regulated entities (vessel operator, terminal operator, ports, and third-party CAECS operator, if applicable).
See table below for remediation fund hourly amounts by vessel type. Note that costs are lower for vessels that meet IMO4 NOx Tier III standards. These costs are adjusted prior to every odd numbered calendar year considering the current Consumer Price Index values published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics relative to 2019.
Remediation Fund Hourly Amounts for 2023-2024 (93130.15(f) Table 4)
Vessel Type | Hourly Remediation Payment, Normal Rate | Hourly Remediation Payment, Tier III Rate |
Container, Reefer, Ro-ro | $1,900 | $1,100 |
Tanker with electric pumps | $1,600 | $1,000 |
Tanker with steam driven pumps | $3,400 | $2,700 |
Passenger vessels with capacity under 1,500 combined passengers and crew | $5,300 | $3,200 |
Passenger vessels with capacity of 1,500 or more combined passengers and crew | $12,000 | $7,100 |
Can I use the remediation fund before the fund administrators are set up?
While the MOUs are being finalized (and during the time prior to the date when the fund is established and able to receive funds by the fund administrators), requests to use the remediation fund option that are approved as eligible by CARB can still qualify for remediation fund participation. If a request to use the remediation fund is approved by CARB prior to when the remediation fund is in place, such funds must be transferred, and the fund administrator must receive the funds, within 30 days of the date the fund is established. In this circumstance, CARB will inform approved applicants when the funds have been established. See the October 24, 2023 Enforcement Notice for more details.