Work Group Meeting #1 to Discuss the SB 114 Funding Available for Zero-Emission School Buses and Infrastructure
The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) and California Energy Commission (CEC or Commission), invite you to participate in a public work group meeting to discuss the implementation of incentives for zero-emission public school buses and supporting infrastructure made available by Senate Bill 114 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Chapter 48, Statutes of 2023). SB 114 appropriated a total of $500,000,000 to the CARB and CEC for the 2023-2024 fiscal year to fund zero-emission school buses and supporting infrastructure through grants awarded to local educational agencies. CARB and CEC have named this appropriation “Zero-Emission School Bus and Infrastructure” (ZESBI) grants. At this work group meeting, staff will discuss available funding, priorities, proposed award timeline, and how to stay informed on future ZESBI developments.
- Presentation attached below.
- Attendee List
Recording of Meeting
The meeting was hosted on the Zoom platform, and the recording of the meeting has been posted as of December 15, 2023.