SNAPS Lost Hills Draft Final Report
en español
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) created the Study of Neighborhood Air near Petroleum Sources (SNAPS) to characterize air quality in communities located near oil and gas operations, with a focus on production facilities. CARB and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) developed the SNAPS program to respond to community concerns regarding air quality near oil and gas sources by improving understanding of the pollutants the public may be exposed to, provide air quality information publicly in real-time, and inform potential measures to minimize exposure. SNAPS focuses on assessing the cumulative impacts from oil and gas sources, as well as all other potential sources of air quality in these communities.
Lost Hills is the first community to receive air monitoring under the SNAPS program. Air quality monitoring was conducted for almost one year, from May 2019 through April 2020.
The Lost Hills Draft Final Report is intended to provide a thorough analysis of air monitoring results and the associated potential health impacts derived from air monitoring in Lost Hills as a part of SNAPS air monitoring in Lost Hills.
Information presented in the SNAPS Lost Hills Draft Report includes:
- Introduction and Background on SNAPS
- Scope of SNAPS Monitoring and Methodology
- Lost Hills Air Monitoring Results, including answers to the following questions:
- How does meteorology impact air quality?
- What is the air quality in Lost Hills?
- Is Lost Hills disproportionally affected compared to other areas in the Central Valley?
- What are the potential sources of the measured air pollutants?
- Are there elevated health risks associated with air quality in the community?
- Actions, Ongoing Work, and Next Steps
- Resources
A shorter, supplementary summary report and a brief overview of air quality results are also provided on the SNAPS webpage to summarize the key findings from SNAPS Lost Hills air monitoring, while more detailed technical information is included in Appendices A-K below. CARB accepted comments on the Lost Hills Draft Final Report through April 2, 2024, and held a community meeting in Lost Hills on March 6th to discuss the draft report.
SNAPS Lost Hills Draft Summary Report |
SNAPS Lost Hills Results Overview Document |
SNAPS Lost Hills Draft Report Appendices |